Saturday, May 02, 2009

Market... Pig..., Jiggedy Jig

Did not return with any fat pig OR Swine flu from the airplane, thank you very much!  Seemed every woman over a certain age (ummm, mine!) was wearing a stupid face mask in the airport.  I guess I could justify it on a plane but these dollies were in 'em 24/7.  Like that would stop a wild boar coming at 'em.  I just sat there and became one with the plane-  because if I get up to go to the bathroom I will throw off the balance and down we go.  And oh my I would hate to be responsible for doing that to all those old people on their way to Palm Beach!
I was waiting on the curb for TY to pick me up and he arrived with Molly who went ballistic when she saw me. The guy I was standing next to was laughing at her because of her jumping from the front to the back seats and pawing at the windows before I got in. He had helped me throw my bag into the trunk even though I wasn't acting helpless- women of my size don't do well acting helpless anyway- nice man. My own man actually popped the trunk from the drivers seat and that was as far as he could take his enthusiasm for my return.

I had a really busy trip, barely sat down the whole week. I dropped by the BC show on artists books, I went to my crit group and we had a full meeting for once, Things have changed gradually as we stopped being mothers and retired from jobs and moved to smaller houses or took on a vacation house. Also, we are all traveling much more. A funny thing happened when I was out to dinner with two of them. Both were talking abut turning 70 in the next few months and I realized how come I have never dreaded the next birthday- because of my crit group friends- they are ageless to me and their passing years mean nothing. We've been together since we were all in our 30's (and we stayed with our original husbands too). Guess we are al too busy to figure out a change. If good friends can turn 40 in front of me and nothing changes, what is there to bemoan? Then they turned 50, then 60, and now this! Some of the group are turning 60 this year and I am right in the middle of the decade span.

I realized that I didn't even check email a few days! Unheard of- it's always been my first thing to do when changing locales. And ya know what? I missed nothing! Seems my mail from good friends has slowed down, my yahoo groups send lots of mail but don't say anything at all: sample: "go check my blog to see what I did today!" or sometimes, "Go check my website to see etc etc.". No thanks. It;s gettng so my gmail spam is even thinning out. No one has offered drugs to enlarge my penis in weeks now.

One thing I did do was finish Kavalier and Clay which I highly recommend if you are interested in the history of comic books, artists, escape from Prague before the war, misguided relationships, golums, and just a plain great story. It's 600+ pages (not that I judge books by their heft!) and I almost didn't buy it because of that but I was fully involved page after page. I left it with Nate or I would offer it up to the first interested party. Or you can get it on Amazon, where I stole the picture!

I did hit the Mac store and picked out a new laptop but was too busy to buy it there, will go to the one here in FL and pick it up soon. My desktop bit the dust this season and I am thinking I will see if I can make it on a better laptop and just one desktop. I don't need a laptop to travel now that I have the iPhone- I can do anything I need to on that for a few days.

Today I wrestled with Photoshop all morning and have a few entries ready to go, a new path for me to get back into doing some exhibiting.  Well, it took me forever to do the images-  I don't care what they say, Photoshop is a pain in the ass.  And I wasn't doing anything at all complicated!  But they sit here now all pretty and enhanced and corrected, ready to mail out at the slightest provocation. Here I managed to put all five of the Drop CLoth pieces on the same background- this, for me, is *rocket surgery*.

Hmmm, don't know why they look so gray...

I did manage to wind a few balls of yarn early one morning so I am in business in that department again, and worked my little fingers on the plane. I'm trying to use up all the wool I've stockpiled against global cooling. And I have sworn that I will not buy another small thread until this is all gone. Except for maybe some Koigu which still makes me swoon.

And finally, do any of you have ideas of how I can USE some short rib bones? Seems I can't quite toss them either- they must be good for something...

Wash your hands. Sigh.

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