Thursday, May 27, 2010

Official Announcement

After all sorts of considerations, I have finally become a Florida resident.  Spent the morning surrendering my MA drivers license, no easy feat since they require so much documentation these days.  it's taken me since last fall to accomplish this simple thing-  first I had to get an actual social security card.  no problem, right?  I knew right where my card was until I started looking for it.  It wasn't anywhere to be found in either state.  I signed on for Medicare online but discovered my Social security card was still in my birth name so needed to get it changed anyway.  I contacted them and sure enough they changed it alright-  to a misspelling!  So I needed to get a certified copy of my birth certificate to prove I yam what I yam...

That took several months by the time I filled out proper forms with proper agencies, got mail returned, dealt with getting prescriptions filled in the wrong name, etc.  Finally, with the birth certificate I could apply for a copy of my marriage license, something else I never had, or frankly needed.  Another few months went by and mail to me was forwarded back and forth between states.  Once I had both those documents in hand I headed off to the social security office and sat like a peasant for several hours.  Once I showed all the proper documents to the Indian guy behind the bullet proof glass, I went home and waited for my card to arrive so I could straighten out the Medicare name, AND change my address.  But first I had to officially change my name.  Yeah, after thirty seven years of being Sandy Townsend and simultaneously Sandy Donabed with no issues, I am now Sandy Townsend Donabed-  and here come the ISSUES!  Still haven't gotten Medicare fixed, but today I went and declared myself a Florida driver and they seemed to agree after I told them I have no seizure problems and have never been arrested for a drinking related incident!  I also registered to vote in FL, still no party affiliation, but probably my vote here will mean more than voting with the herd in Massachusetts-  at least here I am in a smaller corral with a whole different pool of thieves and bounders.  My one big problem now, other than still not being able to get prescriptions, is that they must have taken a picture of an old lady for my license because I don't recognize the old broad they laminated on it!  It bares a striking resemblance to my mother, but isn't quite her.  There is something very prim and 'tight' around the mouth. like she is JUDGING me!

On the good side, I received the Paste Up 2010 postcards the other day and have been handing them out to those who care, mailing it to those who live closer, and pinning them to all my various bulletin boards.  I am so excited to have 'Curiouser' picked to be the front!  Maybe I will be even luckier and it will sell-  seems things have taken a sea change in that department and I should probably be hauling out the old stuff and dusting it off to take advantage of my new found fortunes!  Hey, psssst, anybody wanna buy a collage?

and for the pertinent info:

1 comment :

Karen said...

Thanks for the free advertising. I can't wait to see it in person. Wow, a Florida resident. Well, we in Massachusetts will get over it, I suppose. I look forward to seeing you in June.
Paste-up Curator