Sunday, May 22, 2011

Still Here? Me Too!

So, today I guess I will finally deal with the laundry and getting the crumbs out of my keyboard. I don't have any additional pets (or jewelry) to contend with so I guess it's back to the usual. Here is the Horror for today:

The conceptual Aquarius Moon's visit to your 7th House of Partners could attract a very intelligent person into your life who believes that he or she has the answers you seek. But you don't want to be distracted by anyone because you're trying to figure out how you will get through the time crunch that you now face. Ultimately, you can create unnecessary frustration by concentrating on what's ahead before you handle a more immediate situation first.

Not bad, I always like intelligent people, but the 'very' intelligent tend to just keep walkin' when they see me! My time crunch is trying to figure out when and how to get back to MA. We have to be back by June 11th for a party and our options are to fly in for a day or two, fly back and wallow here for a bit longer, or to suck it up and drive back to arrive before the 11th. I will do whatever possible to avoid that drive. Grovel even. The thing is, TY and I do NOT drive well together, neither one of us can relinquish the driving part and whoever is in the passenger seat continues to 'drive', driving (!) the driver mad with that perceived emergency sucked in air or sighing at passing or not passing on the passenger's whim. It ain't pretty. Our taste in music and cigars is not compatible, nor our eating and peeing schedule. Basically we both need a time-out when it comes to riding anywhere together, but three days of it is just plain torture and it takes another three day to resume speaking after we get there. And it's no fun going back to a party when we're not speaking. What to do, what to do...

So, for now, I am in clean-up mode around here, working on the refrigerator one Tupperware at a time, working on the closet one hanger at a time, and on the studio one dead bug at a time. (They blow in under the garage door and the place needs the season-end vacuum.)

I sort of wish for the End Times to have happened because a few additional needy pets would be excuse to stay around making them feel wanted without their owners.


Kay Koeper Sorensen said...

What if the guy miscalculated and today is THE DAY?

Sandy said...

Hmmm, I guess all pet-and-jewelry systems are 'GO' then! Trouble is I cant tell a Shiz Tsu from a Cockapoo or a cubic Z from the real thing- hope no one else can either.