Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dropping In For Just a Minute

Well I have topped my list of Awful TV this afternoon. I've been cooking all day and while I'm waiting for the timer or waiting to preheat I hit the television and right now I am watching Dance Moms. HOW HIDEOUS CAN YA GET? But you know, I am absolutely transfixed by this train wreck. Guess that's why it's on. But you can be assured I will not be watching it on purpose ever again. Here's a quote from the 400# teacher, "When I was a young dance student I realized that my talents were best used in choreography and behind the scenes." Well, yeah...

But to get back to the cooking thing- I got the blueberry pie out of the oven and it looks great, its all I can do to not find a peeky hole to stick in a big straw and slurp it up.
I got some Tahitian Vanilla ice cream for the top and on the way out of the store found some blueberry sorbet too. I haven't baked in years since I can't eat the stuff I make, and realized that I have no idea how old my bin of flour might be, so this started out with buying a new batch of both flour and (gaack!) sugar. Sure hope I haven't lost my old touch, but just about everything about Murphy's Law proved true. While making the pie dough, the top of the Cuisinart wouldn't come off because a small piece broke off. I had to take the meat tenderizer to it, the top flew off and all the loose flour with it. Dogs turn their backs on licking up flour.

But the good news is that I was able to order a new part online for the antique Cuisinart- we figured out that I probably got it for Christmas in 1974, probably due for a new one but I have all the extras with this one and for $50 it will be almost new again. I did find a site that gave me instructions for repairing it myself but it involved drilling and screwing the lucite and it seemed above my pay grade.

So, the other thing the I am new to is a salad made from raw finely shredded Swiss chard. It's basically a modified Caesar dressing with lots of cheese over the chard, so in that way it's a sort of slaw. Then you grate hard boiled eggs over the top. How bad can this be? I love slaw, love Caesar, and I just won't mention the anchovies so nobody freaks out.

The rest is a roasted salmon over a pile of toasted couscous with a pesto drizzle. The purpose is both
Nate's and Jackie's birthdays which fall only 2 weeks apart. I've closed off the door to the studio because the wedding quilt isn't ready for criticism yet, and I'll stick a candle in the pie. Done.

Horrors. It's talking about the mess in my kitchen...

This can be a most memorable day for you because you can get away with being as weird as you want. Your need to do something totally outrageous may reach a point of no return today, provoking you to take sudden action. But rather than being sensitive to other people's needs, maverick Uranus connects with the Sun in your sign, encouraging you to do as you wish. Nevertheless, there is still an unspoken boundary. Don't go too far over the edge now or you'll have to spend time later cleaning up the mess you make.

Weird? Me??? nah.

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