Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Pants

Under Painting Pants, right here on easy!

And some True Horror today! I've been working away on the quilt top, the one I complain about in every post, and almost have the third row done. Today I'm taking the day off to (get this) GO TO THE GYM, and then hike up to see the grandchillun and buy them ice-cream (because if I get them ice-cream maybe I can sneak me in a lick or two too!)

Aside: I remember when we bought Nate his first cone. he was about 2 in his stroller and we walked down to the neighborhood Brighams and all picked out our flavors. My 4 year old daughter was all excited and practically forced TY and me to take a lick but Nate just held on tightly to his cone as it melted down his fat little elbows and into his lap. TY went to clean it up with a lick around to grab some drips and all of a sudden there was a 2 year old meltdown. He screamed all the way home still holding tight to the completely melted-away cone. Nobody ever tried to lick his drips again.

you still have plenty of things to do. Keep in mind that it isn't wise to avoid your responsibilities, for they will continue to multiply over the next few days. Grab a bit of enjoyment when you can and then get back to work. It's all too easy to overextend your lunch break, so let the good times roll for a limited amount of time before returning for another round of serious business.

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