Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Choosy Filigree

I've solved my dilemma of too many choices! So today I am gonna only do PORK as my subject. That alone will limit my photos to a manageable number. First of all, the most amazing pork chops were prepared for us on the grill our 'opening night' by our hosts. We gobbled them down shamelessly. The second night we were at a family party and the meal consisted of the most spectacular pork loin smoked slowly in the backyard for hours. I thought I died and went to heaven having pork two nights in a row. Fortunately the same loin reappeared as sandwiches the next day and I couldn't have been happier- three days of PORK! But I didn't know what was in store for Day 4 at the Iowa State Fair! Let's just say
(Soon Headed Here!)

Pork Chop on a Stick!
(That's Romney enjoying his instead of talking to people in the Olde Folks Home) I saw some hungry guys doing the two-fisted pork-chop thing, of course sitting down so they could drink their beer chasers, a necessity.

Foot Long Corn Dogs! OMG, Delicious!
I am choosing to NOT post the hideous picture of Michelle Bachman enjoying her corn dog which might seriously derail her campaign- google it and be appalled.

BBQ Rib Remnants
and I don't even have any pulled pork images!

Piggies Checking Out the Air Supply
Pig Wrestling
This is the Swine Building at the fair- it goes on for miles and miles, and some of the pens have people families living there next to their pigs, waiting for their events and keeping me from trying to pet them. They don't take well to petting.
Pig Races
One tired guy after his competition
One trying to escape the judging ring, headed right at me!
Placid Piggy. Perhaps depressed? Probably hot.
And finally, The Iowa Pork Queen (I didn't get her name) as she was handing our ribbons. Please note her choice of a zebra print dress to intimidate her subjects, while wearing her Pearls-Before-Swine necklace. Is her choice maybe ironic? Let me know what you think about her costume choices! And stay tuned- tomorrow will be the CORN POST.

1 comment :

Mandi said...

Thanks for the tip on the Michelle Bachman photo. I found it (image search gave me a page full!!!!) and now I feel that my day is just a little brighter after a really good laugh. :)
