Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sickly It Swim

More Iowa, A Little More Pork, and a Nice Seque on to the CORN theme today:

I just can't say enough how beautiful Iowa is. We had fabulous perfect weather and the skies were endless. The straw poll was going on, a meaningless exercise I heard referred to as the Republican State Fair where they all get to come argue and eat pork and clutter the hotel lobby while posturing and being photographed with The People. TY got to meet Chris Wallace one morning and I ran smack into Steve Hayes as he was checking out. Yeah, that's me, starstruck. But back to the Iowa~
And a quick re-mention of the iconic CORN DOGS (here is a normal sized one)

And Caramel popcorn and PORK RINDS (be still my heart)
And the prize winning corncobs~
And the prizewinning jars of corn~ with more bushels at the bottom~
And the also-rans lining the walls for blocks~ arranged by type and size and probably a few other considerations. i was mostly blown away by the pattern of it all~
And even DelMonte Niblets in CANS~ blurry from my sticky hands on the slippery camera:
Corn Fritters~
Corn Chowder (note please the intrusion of a wee bit o' pork again)
And buttered popcorn everywhere~
And corn mazes~ (scarey!)
Hmmm, didn't see any corn rows on heads because there weren't that many people of any color beyond blond~)

And our Ultimate Blonds, the BUTTER COW sculptures! Yeah, life-size. Sorry about the reflections- it was behind glass in a refrigerated room so it would keep it's shape. Now, folks, I can die happy because I have seen the BUTTER COW. Or one of 'em. This was the 100th year celebration of these sculptures. This particular one rotated slowly around so we could see all sides.
So I moved outside to the giant pumpkins- this was a prize winner at 1183#s that always had a cub scout troop posing around it and screaming Happeeee Halloweeeeen! into the cameras.
Frou frou and geegaws, diddly boppers and marabou make believe:
And back I went to the cattle barn to watch the sign-ins for hundreds of big black adolescent and furry steers being led around by little kids. This was the gathering for the weigh-ins for each contestant. I watched this for maybe an hour. These animals were beautiful.
Then went to the sheep barn where I met Loverboy, only 2 years old and 483#s of ribs and chops.
He took up most of the pen and just laid there panting in the heat, or maybe from doing his job so well- there were hundreds and hundreds of identical sheep sheered to the skin in this barn, all yelling at each other.
The main event- the agricultural building where at the lower left they are queued up to see the Butter Cow displays and at the far end the vegetable displays were arranged
And sadly, the midway where there are two kids stuck up in a bungee ride they paid $25 for. Seems that the bottom falls out...or something... but it malfunctioned and they ere trapped up there in the sky for almost 3 hours. The news crews were there and finally some firefighters climbed up with rappelling ropes and got them down one at a time. I was scared to watch so left the area and watched it all unfold on television later in the evening after I knew they were rescued. They got their money back I heard, as well as a major sunburn.
Tomorrow I have one last Iowa post, just a short one I promise. I want you to know that while I've been posting all these pictures I am also doing wash and unpacking, no wasted time! But tomorrow I have more and bigger stuff to do.

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