Saturday, August 06, 2011

Metaphorical Carbonate Masterpiece

At the Cooper Hewitt this spring there was a show about Sonia Delaunay's life work that I wasn't able to attend. I just came cross this YouTube video that was the curators slide show about the show, so I was thrilled. I know, a poor second from actually seeing it but better than I had hoped.
This is a long video, go get your coffee before you start.

If you skip the first seven minutes of introduction to the introducers, you will finally get to the story of Sonia. Then if you skip to about the 18 minute mark you get to a better interview with the grandson of the owner of Metz & Co., the avant garde store
that promoted her designs. And, if you didn't like that, stay on the YouTube page and check any one of the other sonia-related videos to see more of her work.

Last night we had dinner with our companions for the Ireland trip coming up. She has done lots of research so far and I have nothing to contribute other than wanting to see a shell house, so I have to catch up with learning where we will be and what's there. Sylvia has sent me this link:
and told me that there are many shell houses there, or 'follies'. Hope I can find one to investigate! And finally today it's raining so I get to test my rain jacket! If it works, great, if not it's back to the hideous rubber poncho I always have with me, making me feel like an unmade king sized flapping army cot. Practical, yes. Attractive, you be the judge!
And with that I hope that when I push the 'publish' bar that something happens! Blogger is acting strange this morning with lots of red warnings flashing at me.

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