Monday, August 08, 2011

Clean Hereditary Succession

OMG! It was rainy and hideous yesterday and TY decided it was a perfect day to visit our old friends on the Cape. He called them and they were housebound because of the weather and welcomed our visit so off we went. They're in Barnstable and it only takes an hour and fifteen minutes to get there, an easy ride in spite of:
this! Gray and yukky and the wipers going full speed. Here is the bridge:

(Caught it just as the wipers went by!) We had a great morning talking old times and new times, very little 'organ recitals' going on, and much picture swapping of new additions to both clans. Lunch time approached and off we went to Brewsters. Note white-out through windows... Note salty old patrons... Note empty beer glasses... I think this was just before the platters of fried delicacies appeared and disappeared. I couldn't take the time to snap a food picture or I'd miss my share.

Love salty old places like this. We had calamari and onion rings, then clam chowder and our first steamers of the season. The dog weathered the storm in the car and kept watch for us while we drank the afternoon away. (Some of us.) And about 4 we left to head home. We took a 'faster' way to get off the Cape and were in bumper to bumper traffic for almost 2 full hours just trying to get back to the bridge. OF COURSE it was Sunday evening, it was pouring, and every renter on the Cape was headed home following all the guys who have to get back to work in the morning. Once we got back to the bridge it was clear sailing and we were home by 7. In fact, as we were passing under Fenway Park and saw all the people walking to the game a huge SUN came out, like a Disney cartoon.

We took this as a Sign from Above that tonight was indeed a win over the dreaded Yankees. (Monday Update: YUP! Thanksyew Heavens Above for a Sox win, even if we had to stay awake the whole damn game to get there!)
And by the time we traveled the last 3 or 4 miles the roads went dry and you would never know what we had been through on that ride.

I was cold and wet and mad and tired. Looking back on it today it was fun to see our friends but Never Again on a Sunday afternoon! Hear me? I missed a whole day working on the quilt, I am so far behind I think I am ahead!

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