Friday, August 19, 2011

Pundit Doubloon

We have a bit of a Pork Problem now. Last night I made pork belly for dinner, like I haven't had pork for seven nights running. But let me tell you, pork belly is deee-vine. I had never actually made it before but happened upon most of a pig in the Whole Foods meat counter with pork belly beautifully rolled up in display. I love it. Who am I to say 'no'? I bought a slab and scurried home like a rat with it to research a good recipe. Fortunately it is easy peasy to cook and I chose a Chinese recipe with black bean sauce and 5 spice rubbed into the surface. It happened I had some leftover rice from a previous night so that became a tasty fried rice dish to eat with it. I will bet that I will be slamming my fists on the Whole Foods meat counter if they don't have this stocked next time I happen by. They had other 'parts' too that I may have to return for.

In my spam box today is this enticing offer to do my photo cutouts as well as my morphological photo editing AND my satellite photo editing too. What an offer. Thanksgod, I was so sick of those satellite trips because my battery would always crump out
"We are a China based Imaging Professionals. We offer basic and advanced digital photo Editing services and solutions like photo Cutout, morphological photo Editing, photoshop photo Editing, satellite photo Editing, color photo Editing and vector photo Editing using latest techniques. "

Can I just say no thanks? In Chinese?

If it weren't for Facebook I wouldn't even know that it's my birthday tomorrow. PLEASE do not acknowledge this statement, I am skipping it this year. It's pretty much easy to ignore because my Facebook messages page is a complete white out and unreadable. (Their crack team seems to be off... doing crack... to earn their title because I just get form letters in response. This may be the end of me+FB, which is fine, I find Google+ much more usable.) I did get cards from my dentist and Sephora's discount coupon I can use any time this month, but other than that I am pretty much able to stick it in the back of my mind in the 'DREAD' file. Today I am scheduled for breakfast/brunch/whatever with my good friend I barely see. And that will be fun according to the Horror today:
It's an absolute relief to let someone else take the lead today. Giving up control can be very exhilarating on its own, butyou're in luck now because your friends or co-workers may have something fun in mind. Processing your own resistance quickly allows you to open up some playtime in your already busy schedule. Go ahead and indulge yourself; your work will still be there when you return.
Tomorrow morning I am scheduled to work a table at the Newburyport Farmers Market where my daughter will be selling her Great Marsh skincare line. I love this stuff and plan on telling everybody I am 75 (I am NOT!) and that's what makes me look so good! First time since I was 17 that I've lied about my age, and that was in the other direction. If you go to her site to order anything, whatever you get add on the Rosehip Hydrating Serum- this stuff is unbelievable. And Amanda actually does mix it up in her kitchen! Anyway, if you're near Newburyport between 9 and 1 Sunday morning, please stop by! So far she also sells it in a few local places around Ipswich MA and of course on line.

Actually, the only other work I have right now is packing up my stuff piles to take back to Florida and a bag for Ireland. Might seem easy but the Ireland trip has me over a barrel. I have a rain jacket and a huge poncho and an umbrella to cover my top parts, but I need some rubber shoes, or something that gets wet happily. I figure that if I am dragging all this gear around that I am guaranteeing myself good weather, right? OK, that's the last you'll hear of my packing issues, I promise.

And just remember, folks, to use the damn quart plastic bag for your lotions, gels, and liquids or the ugly TSA guys get to use them and you'll be hiking around looking to replace products instead of looking at baroque defunct castles on your vacation. Which isn't a Bad Thing if you're in Paris or Milan I 'spose...

I think I'll take tomorrow off from blogging unless something fab happens on my Newburyport job. See you Monday.

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