Friday, August 19, 2011

Spell or Bethel

I was set to meet Beverly-the-North today in Lowell to catch the Whistler and Brush shows since I missed the festivities there last weekend. We showed up simultaneously at 10 only to see that the opening was to be at 11. I already knew the Brush wasn't open yet so instead we decided to take off to Nashua NH to see what was happening at the Mancuso show.

Forty five minutes later we pulled into the convention center and started up and down the aisles looking at all the accumulated shows. We saw some varied levels of expertise in quilting running the gamut between accomplished to rudimentary. Note here: the following are my own feelings. We did discuss a few pieces in depth, we agreed frequently, and we had different takes on quite a few. Beverly comes at it from a professional point of view giving full attention to each piece, while I simply walk down the center of the aisles glancing back and forth waiting for something to jump out and grab me. Beverly finds good in many pieces and gets to the heart of the maker. I am quickly bored and am looking mostly for something I haven't' seen before- a technique, a color system, an idea I haven't come across before. I see all the quilts made in similar classes, Beverly notes how each is different in it's own way.

We both are attracted to well designed and executed work, and I think we came up with our own show winner in spite of the ribbons already awarded. Once that was out of the way we hit some vendors. I was thrilled to find Donna, an old friend of mine from my local guild is the Aurofil rep for the area and got a bag-full of some beauties to drag home. I know, here I am getting excited about thread, how sick is that?

Se we were wandering along touching stuff and schmoozing with vendors we recognized or that seemed particularly friendly. One lady sat there with tiny scraps of little iridescent bugs and some fab inks to make them so we were talking to her- she also demo'ed foiling with fusing threads so I got all excited about that. Then I found a rubbery version of a gelatin plate which I glommed onto since I can't keep a gelatin plate in my too-warm studio. As I am hyperventilating over this booth-full of cool stuff I see her name tag. OMG, it's Jane Davila, my 'imaginary friend' for several years now! We hugged, we reminisced, we told short stories, we gossiped (yup, about our northwest friends who made lunch for Jane and didn't even invite me!) Anyway, Jane was the highlight of my day, even surpassing my new bushel of threads! And now I am elevating Jane to a new google circle- from 'friends I have never met' right on up to 'friends I know'! Congratulations Jane, you are my first circle-move!

Oh, yes, I found the button lady and she can't be in the Mancuso show in West Palm in November because it's too close to Houston time. So I was glad to unload a few of her little gems into my bag since who knows when I will find her again. Wish it was soon so I could make a trade with her for all my old tablecloths.

Sorry I don't have any pictures to illustrate all these shenanigans but if you've been to a quilt show lately, just close your eyes and imagine me there wisecracking over angelina usage and finding fault with value choices. I TRY to do it silently but sometimes I simply can't help myself...
Beverly has the patience of a saint.

One more thing before I implode, so many people I met today know me from this blog, and seem to enjoy reading it, but I get so few comments. Really folks, I love comments- even the bad ones so have at it! Tell me when you disagree, tell me when I'm off base- I probably won't do anything about it but YOU will feel better, for sure. Let me know who you are too~ it was really nice to meet all of you today.

Now I'm gonna go count my thread.


Terry Grant said...

What? You didn't get the invitation to lunch with Jane Davila at my house in Portland?! I was sure I sent you one. Perhaps I sent it to Florida when you were in Boston or vicey-versey. Anyway, we both love Jane, which is further evidence of our excellent taste and wouldn't it be great to finally close that circle and the three of us have lunch together somewhere??

Sandy Gregg said...

Okay, so you caught me reading your blog and not leaving comments. It's all because you are more entertaining than I am. I thought it was a good show, better than usual. It's a good thing that I don't look closely at all of the quilts, because there isn't enough time to do so in one day. There were enough that were interesting I thought and a few gems. I love the international aspect. I don't love all of the quilts but it is fun to see what they are doing in other places.

jane dávila said...

Hahahahaha, you called me a lady! Honestly, it was great to meet you and even funnier that we chatted (and liked each other, I'm speaking for you too, lol) for a full five minutes before realizing we already "knew" each other. You've moved from Sandy-the-imaginary to Sandy IRL.

And I really like Beverly too. :) we'll have to plan it so there's hang-out time and a meal involved next time.

I'm sorry I don't comment more often but I do read nearly every post. And here's a 3 paragraph comment to tide you over til I comment again.

Hasta la pasta, Jane

Sandy said...

OMG, THREE comments, I am so excited! This is better than the Red Sox game. Well, watching paint dry is better than the Red Sox tonight.

I have a rule, Jane and Terry- there is NO meet-up without a meal! Ever!

(thanks you guys, you've made my night!)

Marianna said...

OK,guilt as charged. I read your blog faithfuly because of your marvelous sense of humor and your ability to find humor in any situation. I am a boring senior and admire your joy for life. So many of your complaints are the same as mine but you are able to put in words so well. Please keep blogging and know we are out there.

cosmo said...

I was looking forward to seeing you and Beverly in Lowell, but other things came up (no surprise). So I glad to hear you did not stay there and I did not miss seeing you in Lowell. Also, reading your blog is like reading the comics (good for a laugh and smile and better than watching the Sox). Thanks, Sandy for the late night laughs --- although now it's Sunday morning. Not all blogs are worth reading, but yours is!


Christine Thresh said...

Where was the Bethel part?
I live on Bethel Island.