Thursday, September 08, 2011

The Third Installment: Clonmacnoise

An Early Christian site founded by St. Ciarán in the mid-6th century on the eastern bank of the River Shannon. The site includes the ruins of a cathedral, seven churches (10th  -13th century), two round towers, three high crosses and the largest collection of Early Christian graveslabs in Western Europe. The original high crosses and a selection of graveslabs are on display in the visitor centre.. 

This may be the end of the installments as I settle into Real Life again, we'll see.  I started yesterday to consolidate our photos and pick and choose a few to put into a little book but I became completely overwhelmed and had to fold up the laptop and take a breather.  Oh, how I hate the time after a vacation where you start to forget parts!  We went out to dinner with our Irish friends last night to show them the pictures of his home town pubs we had visited and give him the CD of the group who was playing there.  And in telling the story of where we had been and names of towns we had to prompt each other.  And oh how I also hate being so stupid from jet lag.  It should be abating by now but I am still waking up bright eyed ad busy tailed at 3 AM every morning.  

I'm trying to get packed up and cleaned up around here to get back to Florida and the studio (YEAAAA!), but every day gets taken up with crap I have to do which takes my mind away from the task at hand. Yesterday we had to go see my SIL's new condo she is moving into next week, today we have to pay the good-bye visit to the grandkids, and tomorrow it will be the day to gas and pack the car up with trip necessities. Fortunately I am flying down so will have two extra days alone here to stuff things into closets.  Today it's pouring out, and the last thing i want to do is another road trip, would prefer to hunker down with a new lightbulb and some old knitting for the day but instead I'm seeing the kids and getting my last platter of clams for the season (hopefully).

One of my on-line BFFs reminded me today that deadlines are almost upon me for a couple of shows I must get entered, so that's a priority as soon as I return.  I am also starting to smoke through my ears from planning another quilt along the series of the last one based on the vintage photograph of the twins.  I have been collecting a few old quilt tops over the years, plus grabbed a new one off eBay this summer to add to the possibility-pile for a blue piece.  I don't have the photograph with me and have to wait till I find it in the studio when I get back before I can even start the drawings, so there is a long process ahead.  I have a huge roll of quilts ready to send off with FedEx but am waiting to do it so I am there to accept them when they arrive:  it's all in the timing!

I also arranged to fly back the morning after my crit group meeting so I will be able to make it though I hadn't thought I could.  I haven't told the group I am going to be there, will plop in and surprise them.  I sure hate missing so many meetings and really wish I could find a group like it in Florida, but so far haven't managed to.  If you know anybody close to Jupiter who might be interested, give them a holler and tell them to get in touch!  (Does that sound desperate?)

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

The fact that you list seeing your grandkids one last time b/4 you go to Florida as "crap you have to do" is disgusting, you selfish horror. You don't deserve them.