Friday, September 09, 2011

Anonymous Strikes With Her Spikey Tongue

Oh oh, somebody has temporarily scared me out of my cute font so I have changed to something more readable because I am irked and need to respond clearly!  Going along my blissful way today with seven unaccounted for minutes and a laptop in my chair, I log on and this is what I find in my 'comments' section, naturally signed 'Anonymous':

The fact that you list seeing your grandkids one last time b/4 you go to Florida as "crap you have to do" is disgusting, you selfish horror. You don't deserve them. 
So I will take this opportunity to respond since Anonymous was completely able to contact me privately to see if that was really something I had on my 'crap' list or perhaps maybe just a stream of consciousness mental list I was dashing off.  My dear Anonymous, You are correct, I most certainly do not 'deserve' my grandkids.  In fact I didn't 'deserve' my kids either but lived to tell about it.  I never thought of family as something one is entitled to in any way, but have spent the last 36+ years dealing with, caring for, and doing my best for them all.  I have never laid claim to being a 'good mother', though I had my occasional moments, and it naturally follows that my grandmotherly skills sure wouldn't live up to your standards either.  I am sorry that you read my flippant remark as being gospel, you obviously aren't a regular reader or you would have called me on it privately since it bothers your sensibilities so much.  If you were a regular reader you would have realized that I am not here to please you with granny talk, which I don't do (ask my adorable, smart, talented, and funny grandkids who appear to enjoy my company, as I do theirs.)  I am leaving the previous post that upset you intact as you read it and I invite anybody else to go read it and see if I really came across as such a 'Selfish Horror' as Anon (can I call you that?) described.  Please let me know and I will be more careful with my proofing blog posts from now on if anybody else sees it as she did.

For your information it was the TRIP to see them that was irking me on a very busy day before leaving, it was not the grandkids and never would be.  I'd be happy to further discuss the situation with you at any time, but this is the last time I respond to someone who hides behind 'anonymous' as an identity.  Your quilty (but not guilty) friend, the Selfish Horror,


Max said...

Dear Anonymous,
It is, for someone who has been enjoying this blog for far longer than they care to remember, clear that you don't have a clue as to what goes on in this particular slice of cyberspace. Nor, it appears, were you born with a sense of humor or the ability to understand intelligent discourse when you read it.

If you are incapable of understanding what you read, don't attack the author.

Just sayin'

Terry Grant said...

Eeeeek. I hate that. She (sadly, it probably is a "she") doesn't deserve to read your blog, I say. Fie on Anon, the self-appointed blog monitor, Queen of the Internet. Ptooey.