Monday, September 12, 2011

Sour Pipe Linen

I'm getting very anxious to get going, hate the no-man's land of not being *here* or being *there*.  Hat the refrigerator ritual (cleaning it!) and weeding out the closet of things gone another year without being worn.  I hauled the big plastic tightly packed bins onto the dolly to get them to the car, packed the doggie's travel bag, got all my electronics into one bag (OK, so it's a large bag!) and ready to travel, and the Wedding Guy brought over a bunch of stuff last night to transport to the right state-  I'm just nervous about getting it all there whole and ready to assemble as time gets closer.  They have a big picture frame that will be their guest book-  everybody gets their mug shot as they walk in, so that will be fun, and the frame is here ready to go too.  I'll visit Home Depot when I get there to get some handles for it and get that little detail checked off.  And I will resist my need to paint it a fabulous color, and keep my fingers out of that pie!  Its so damn hard going against nature and not being a meddling MIL.  I know I've done a pretty good job with the First Couple, staying out of their bizniz and never discussing anything of consequence, but don't know how long I can continue this program with Second Couple without simply bursting with all sorts of 'suggestions' on basically how-to-do-EVERYthing.  (Mental Note to Selfish Self:  Probably should get in touch with my pal Anon because I am sure she will have all sorts of suggestions for me.)

So today is set with getting this junk into the get-away car...and balanced...

(Poor Donkey)

And then I get to wash my hair for the social whirl of my last two days here.   

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