Sunday, September 11, 2011

About Food, and Using It Up

Haven't heard back from my new uninvited Life Coach, Anonymous, yet.  She is probably out hunting poisonous mushrooms to brew.  So I will simply carry on being my quilty selfish self.
Anon Stirring Up Trouble

I have been able to see everybody, made them all dinners which was saying a lot considering I am down to a jar of mustard and some old canola oil in the cupboards.  On Friday the grandkids came down from their Great Marsh and we had a fun time with them.  I had bought penny whistles for them in Ireland and couldn't wait to see if the little guy could figure out how to blow into it.  After a little coaching he was marching around like a wee Irish pro. His sister, being three, was able to even figure out how to finger the holes so her tune was a bit more sophisticated and she was the leader of their march around the house.  Together they could drive forty people directly into the Charles to escape- I'll keep that as a secret weapon in development!  They had a grand time with them.  An earlier stop at Whole Foods got me some Hake and a cabbage so I made fish tacos for everybody and ended up with no leftovers, a good thing!
 I had bought a pint of some Mexican pickled jicama and carrots with a slice or two of jalapeño the day before and loved it so put that out.  The problem was that the pint I brought home from the restaurant was loaded with jalapeños, not just a few-  all our mouths were numb but we polished it off no problem.

When they went to leave their car was making a scary noise so we made them take our car to make sure they would make it home.  The next morning we took their car to the dealer to have it gone over and hopefully it will be ready for them by Monday.  I'm just so glad that the car broke down at our place and not late at night on the turnpike with the two babies.

Back to Whole Foods the next day because the other set of kids stopped by. This time I had mussels and clams over fettucini and was able to use up more vegetables, a package of chorica, and a hunk of cheese for the garlic bread.
I absolutely forgot to put out a salad I had made, so that's today's fare.  Nothing left from that but a whole lot of shells.  The dishwasher has been really busy and little by little I'm seeing actual empty shelves.

(Not me but a reasonable facsimile of my shoes.)

Guess now I tackle the closets.  Can't go anywhere, no car, and thankfully nobody is coming for dinner tonight.  I have some hominy soaking so that will be it along with a nice hunk of pork leftover from the other night.  And a bit of guacamole!  

Guess that's about it- not too much excitement when I am tethered to the house!  Maybe better thrills tomorrow, who knows...

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