Saturday, September 17, 2011

Feline Sighing

Glad to be back, can you tell?  That's me, second row, green suit.

I'm gonna try to be nicer to youse guise and give up on the Rock Salt font except for special occasions.  I have a feeling I am losing some of you, and thanks to those who have commented.  I take it to heart.  Always trying to be all things to all people, 
 I gotta stop!
You might be very excited about someone or something new in your life now, but you have a sneaking suspicion that your high level of interest won't last. You may be cautious about letting go and enjoying yourself because it's obvious that your sense of freedom will quickly run into limiting circumstances. Change is inevitable, but worrying about future responsibilities doesn't need to interfere with today's pleasures.
Yeaaa!  Today's Pleasures!  Sounds good to me.  Studio-Dog and I are off to work as soon as I glug the last of my coffee and she has her required hard boiled egg.  I am in a quandary as to where to begin, but I am thinking I won't uncover the encaustic stuff just yet, will wait till the place is really a mess and lint is flying so I get that fuzzy edge to the wax!  Today I think I'll start on the blue portrait quilt, at least pull probabilities and possibilities out to pile up.  Maybe work out some drawings...this one I hope to have fewer problems with than the red portrait piece because I want it to be similar in construction and all that has been worked out.  I am thinking I will probably have to pick out all the quilting stitches on one old quilt so it will hang better, what a pain-  I hate picking out my own stitches, but someone else's puts me over the edge!  And, as promised, (see the Process Promise to the left!) I'll try to be better at documenting.

And I have to allow some extra time later to work on the Blurb book about our trip before it is too far gone in the memory banks.  I've meanwhile been looking for my next barge trip since this one was so much fun, though I haven't told TY yet.  Found one from Amsterdam to Basel which has my attentions for now, we'll see what else pops up.  I'm not a fan of third world experiences, so that clears a lot out right away.  I'll just buy big picture books of those areas.  

Oh wow, it is so much fun to be anxious to get up in the morning again!

not me, but you knew that!


Terry Grant said...

I will read your blog regardless of the font, and it is YOUR blog and YOUR font to choose, but I gotta tell you, my eyeballs thank you for the change. Whew.

I am still trying to get around to making a Blurb book for our trip to Mexico nearly 5 years ago. I'm sure I have forgotten all important details by now.

Kay Koeper Sorensen said...

Dahling, you look Mahvelous in Green!