Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Where a new Paper Cutter is a BFD

It never changes, does it?
Although you would like to believe that you know what's best for you now, it's still necessary to take enough time to consider the wishes of those around you. Even if you are trying to demonstrate your independence, it's difficult to set your schedule today before you talk with others in your group. Once you know more about their needs, you'll be able to better determine your agenda for the day.
But I have a treat for you today here:

Yup, Venus of Willendorf Paperdolls!  I liked this one so much better than the Lady Gaga version-  I think it's the wee plaid pants... such a girly girl!

At TJMaxx the other day I found a Fiskars paper cutter, a very big one
and since one of the old fashioned wooden ones from long-gone art school days----
has been on my list for like forever, I grabbed it.  It has a regular rotary blade for cutting and whammo, the lightening bolt hit that it works for fabric too, something the old kind won't do without stretching and distorting the cuts!  Yup, I cut enough fabric for the Sketchbook project,  and it's all perfect 5X7 with neat edges.  (Now I have to *do* something with it but that's the next chapter!)  Blades are standard and I am a happy happy hippo with this solution.  The old kind sell for about $75, the Fiskars online is $65, at TJ's it was in the $20's, I forget.  I threw out the cheesy little paper cutter I had with the blade that looks like a picture point for a frame.

Spent the weekend off and on over at the studio adding paint to all the purple squares on the quilt-in-progress.  Today I start adding metallic green interference paint to the green squares and hope I can keep the job neater than the purple.  I have purple paint everywhere.  This is BP, Before Paint.  It's a QR code but doesn't read, I am thinking it's because the contrast isn't strong enough so I am upping it as best I can.
Scanless, Unscannable, Scan-Free

I made 6 blocks out of that foam you can heat and press items into for texture, used both sides which wasn't a great plan because I'd do one side and get a good impression, flip it and heat again but the first side would flatten somewhat.  For this purpose it was OK because the images are not clear but on paper I would only use one side at a time.  Love these blocks other than that-  you can just pass the heat gun over them and start over with a new impression!  No, I don't know what they're called but Jane Davila has them if you're in the market.  I pressed 'em into a pile of pencils and got a great linear stamp that turned checkerboard when stamped perpendicular, a stack of Mardi Gras beads that mysteriously all ended up in perfect alignment for negative dots, a pile of buttons, some texture tiles, and I can't remember what all else.  So that's the agenda for the day.

The 'off' time over the weekend included our annual schlepp to Costco where I managed to buy meat for the masses-  they must have thought I was running a restaurant as I checked out but unfortunately I broke the cardinal rule of Costco-  I went with TY.  He won't look at anything in the side aisles-  we went for groceries and dammit, THAT is what we aimed for.  I did manage to sneak a few bottles of my favorite wine into the cart when he wasn't racing the car to the pork rib department, and saved $5 per bottle.  I'd love to go get more.  Alone.  I need 8 more bottles to save enough to pay for the renewal of my card.  And I need to look at the books and the office equipment and the cosmetic aisle...The afternoon was spent repackaging meat all over the kitchen and it all barely fit in the freezer.  Today I have to go to Publix to get a few things in non-giant sizes that I can lift myself (like laundry detergent and yogurt.)  I'll go with green paint on my pants, guaranteed.


Mary Beth said...

I tried all sorts of photoshop tricks on your QRQuilt and couldn't make it scan. I wondered if it's missing some key "phrase" somewhere. Computers are just so damn particular about stuff.

-blessed b9, Catalyst4Christ said...
