Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Ectopic Forestry Luge

Costume of the day:  Of course you've all seen this kitten costume with his helmet, right?  Awwww...
Even Mean People think this is cute.

You too can have the same sweet innocent cuddly, yet ironic vibe to your own Halloween get-up:
(note please the spray painted old basketball as headgear.)

And finally, to get back to the reason for this blog-  stitchin' and reminiscin' and stealin' and revealin'----
The wrestling match through the machine:

A fellow Bernina user you may notice.  How in hell does he keep it going at that steady speed-  mine keeps speeding up, then halting, going like blazes, then stopping for no reason.  I pound like all get out on the foot pedal and nothing happens until WHAMMO, a jackrabbit start and away I go...  Maybe I should be doing this instead of the grunt work I do...  Maybe I need a handsome guy to model his ski hat for me.  Maybe I need more 'need' to do this!  But he is quite amazing, eh?

Watch Those Fingers!  In case you were feeling a little too confidant with your machine quilting skills!

Three days of rain here, a tornado hit down nearby in the night, and I am getting a bit of cabin fever.  We have but one car with a roof, so on rainy days I am at the mercy of TY's whims.  We had about 10 plans yesterday but didn't leave the house until it was time to make his appointment at the Apple store for his data transfer.  I refused to do it this time because he stands over my shoulder to punch in passcodes and makes me nervous so I decided to leave it to Apple to deal with him and bought him some one-on-one time.  But I outsmarted myself-  he wouldn't go to the store without me to 'translate' from the native geek for him.  So in I marched and dumped the old and the new on a poor unsuspecting tee-shirted guy who was very patient in spite of this task.  The store had erected velvet ropes outside the door in the mall where all the new iPhone folks had to line up and wait their turn.  The inside was jammed up, the noise was deafening and they had all sorts of extra tee shirted geniuses on duty.  They had to keep the computers so TY is like a kid who's ball rolled into the storm drain today.

Speaking of storm drains, our little road is running like the Calahootchie River out there.  Good thing I have a stock of plastic shoes, eh?
so comfy to walk the dog

these are for taking out trash

and these are for getting the mail

And one little note, I hit the 1200 posts mark the other day with no fan fare, I'll wait for 1500 before I demand attention for my ability to stick with it so long.  Thank you, Blogger, for (mostly) working.  Not bad for Short Attention Span Theater here!

1 comment :

Deanna said...

I love that border fabric, Sandy. I'm looking forward to seeing the completed quilt. Kudos for wrestling it under the needle yourself.
