Saturday, October 01, 2011

Good Took Flow

Truly in need of a dialogue coach and perhaps some decent scripting---
OK, I am not gonna tell him he's talking to a friggin' skunk who seems to understand that he doesn't have to respond to the first two statements, and only looks up on he third repetition.  Good training-  must have been the same school my husband graduated from.  But TY steals his cupcakes even when I have stick notes on them in the refrigerator that they are already purposed, I don't give him frosting or party hats either.  But his hair isn't this good anymore. Probably need a hit of fish oil now and then.

And we wonder why America is going to hell in a hand basket.  Perhaps it isn't the government after all, perhaps it is 'wii' the people, who raise skunks and give them dunce caps and film them licking their party cake.  Or people like me who buy their DOG a raincoat (and then have to alter it to fit!)  Perhaps we should both be out contributing something to society or repairing busted bridges or discovering the cure for diverticulitis or handing out condoms on the street corner somewhere.

Oh hell.  I'd rather go to Five Guys new place down the street and have myself a party.

In Other News, lookee what I found-  a shrimp scampi scarf on etsy!  Go there to see it unfurled.

Succulent?  I doubt it, but Cool to the Max.

In Even Other-er News I have to go get my tiny supply of homemade ricotta into the refrigerator.  I think this little bit is probably worth $15 altogether, not a cash-saver for sure, but it tastes pretty darn good.  I ran down to Whole Foods first thing this morning to buy the milk since all I ever have around here is skim.

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