Saturday, October 22, 2011

Silver Knelt Heal

Angry Samuri, that's me.

Oh what a day!  I had a project I had to do at the studio involving recording myself for a tutorial.  Not only was the learning curve really steep, but I thought I'd have some quiet and privacy to get it done in one day!  Ha.  Man plans and God laughs.

As soon as I arrived I set the thermostat way down because the AC blower is really loud and I knew it would be a problem.  I figured I'd get it freezing cold and then turn it off and enjoy the quiet.  It's Saturday so nobody, I mean GHOST TOWN, nobody is at my industrial park-  nice and quiet there on weekends.

I start messing about with iMovie and realize I've never opened the program before so I am dealing with iMovie9.  I check online for tutorials and only can get iMovie11 and the whole audio set up is different.  So I am learning how to make a video with my camera, learning how to edit a movie on iMovie with the wrong directions, trying to add audio over a slideshow portion AND trying to figure out what to say while setting up the camera and arranging a backdrop.  This is not Zoetrope, this is Jupiter.

So I got the camera and the chair and the backdrop all set upend the AC turned off, and the camera aimed perfectly and the zoom zoomed and I was sitting there and yammering on about my subject when I hear what sounds like Daytona warming up outside my door.  I turned off the camera and found TY out there with more cigar boxes for my stash.  The noise was his Cobra which shakes the whole building.  He came in and I was almost pleasant, but not enough to keep him there for long.  I reset all the sets and controls and sat on my chair and re-started the spiel.  I ummmm-ed in distraction so many times I stopped the camera and worked on learning iMovie by joining a tutorial online class which at least was talking about the same version I have.  I watched the whole series, reset the camera, sat down and got halfway through the talk when there was banging on the door and my next door neighbor brought his THREE little girls in to meet 'the artist next-door, 'Miss Sandy'.  In they troop and start asking me about this and that and this and that and can they have this and can they have that and will I MAKE them this and will I make them that.  And they are touch touch touching it all.  Cute as buttons but geesh,  daddy dear disappeared into his office and I apparently was their afternoon entertainment.  Finally they left wearing all my Mardi Gras beads that were headed for Hazel.

I set the camera again, I took a breath and started talking again.  I finished and loaded the video and checked it on the computer and I had something weird in my nose, just a little something that bobbed when I talked a little too much.  I scraped that video, changed the camera angle to up above my head, got a lower chair, moved the backdrop quilt, and again I started.  Got halfway through my talk and what do you know, the damn AC clicks in.  I say screw it and keep on going.  It basically is pretty amateurish but I simply cannot spend any more time on this.  I've sent out the video to a few pals to critique, and will redo it ONE more time, hopefully tomorrow.  Whatever happens IS the final version.  Or I'll submit this:

Foie Gras on the Hoof

Words to start back at it tomorrow:

Visualize what you want to do before you do it. Visualization is so powerful that when you know what you want, you will get it. (Audrey Flack)

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