Horrors: Events may take a turn for the better today, yet you're reminded that everything still takes longer than you expect. You might end up feeling disappointed if you think that you can push the river faster than it's already flowing. However, you should be able to relax a bit once you remember that all water reaches the sea in time. Be smart and allow current events to follow their own natural course without any unnecessary pressure. |
EXCEPT Kale chips. I always think they will take longer than they do so end up burning the first batch and then chaining myself to the oven door so the second batch doesn't meet the same fate. Now I am plowing through a foot-high stack of the little devils and will soon be over-kaled if I don't watch myself. Nothing like them leafy greens...
Now I've added to my friends in dire circumstances, my friend and leader of the bocce team fell off some bleachers yesterday at her daughter's basketball game and broke BOTH her arms. They called from the hospital and she was getting the casts on an her head MRI'd, and the prognosis is that she will be fine but she is up shit creek without a paddle until she gets her arms and hands back. She has 15 people coming for Christmas dinner and can't even grab onto the refrigerator door. I gave her my wise older counsel to simply cancel the festivities and go out with their friends instead but we'll see what happens. I can't even keep yelling at her until I get back!
So today I made white chocolate peppermint bark to take over and have a bunch of flowers ready for the moment she wakes up.
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