Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye to a Crappy Year

Yippee.  This year is over, almost.  Things will be better next year, right?  Please?

We're headed off to a neighbor's BBQ party and I am still hacking and sputtering so much that I doubt anybody will talk to me out of fear of catching my plague so I'll just walk home whenever I feel the need.  It's a lovely clear night with the moon very bright so I will like the silence after the party part, I'm sure.  And I will be able to cough in peace on the street!  Despite my seeming pessimism, I do wish everybody I know-  both friends I have actually laughed with in person, and those who laugh either with me or at me on this bloggy thing.  It'll get better, she sez-  fists clenched, heels knocking and eyes shut tight.  It'll get better...

I'm here for ya, unless you are the Humane Society who has sent me one too many heartbreaking emails claiming that all dogs are suffering because of my lack of gigantic donation.  Wish they would check their records a bit more carefully and stop harassing me.

1 comment :

Max said...

Wishes for a better year Sandy . . .