Friday, December 23, 2011

Guinea Nicotinamide

Just being an artist is a big sack of abundance. Our blessings come down the chimney every time we squeeze our paint. A small effort is required to think and start, some fortitude is needed to stay with the vexing parts, some patience to stay and watch the miracle of the magic process, and some final joy to sign your name. Robert Genn

Another good one from Painters Keys today, about how artists 'give' with the work they do.  The pleasure of giving is year-round as we express ourselves without benefit of wrapping paper or ribbons, or even, in most cases, recipients.  It's our way of giving ourselves to the world.  Yup, even us hermits!  I feel better.

And so, I return to the frenzy world of everybody else's Christmas program where I am pushed and pulled from one event to another, seeing people I don't care much about at the expense of those I love.  And tonight starts the final blast.  We have a dinner with some good friends coming up, we were invited months ago, and were looking forward to it but recently found out that it's now a huge table with a full family we don't know, including a couple of kids my own grandkids age.  I would so much rather be spending time with them given a choice.  (And probably don't put me at a fancy restaurant dining room table either- would prefer playing on the floor and grazing with them!)  So somehow we will get through these next few days.

I am so rich that I must give myself away.  Egon Schiele

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