Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hardboard Fischer Coerce

'Outsiders' is what they call these stuffed animals that have been turned inside out and then photographed. They can exhibit their 'true' personality!  Love how their smoother sides have retained expression and make them none the less comforting.

Over on Craftster we have a QR code woven of smooth shiny satin ribbons with step-outs to help you do your own.  It will be fun to see how long QR codes are in use.  I told the kids I made the quilt for that it won't matter because it's 'of the day' and will be nostalgic in no time.  

Matthew Cox stitches on x-rays and adds the missing pieces to tell a story.  The heavy textural stitching stands in high contrast to the smooth shiny x-ray behind it.  

Check out this portrait, all fabrics with shading accomplished by layering organzas.  This is by Margot Lovinger, many more on her site.  The visible texture in her work is that of the colored organzas. very matte and realistic looking.  (Sandy's aside:  you might also notice she can draw!)

AND today I'm talking about TEXTURE
another element of art, is used to describe either the way a three-dimensional work actually feels when touched, or the visual "feel" of a two-dimensional work.

Take rocks, for example. A real, 3-D rock might feel rough or smooth, and definitely feels hard when touched or picked up. A painter, depicting a rock, would create the illusions of these qualities through use of color, line, shape, etc.

Texture can be smooth or heavy, or anything in between.  It can be an actual tactile feel, or just an illusion of that 'feel'.  Think of a silver bowl-  you know without actually touching it what the 'feel' of that bowl is.  You can 'feel' the fur of an animal even when it's painted on canvas-  it looks tactile.  So in art, texture is generally an illusion, though of course in sculpture and some crafts it can actually be felt.

You may have noted how I have spoken of texture in each of the above posts, fox that I am.
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And finally, tonight I am going to an Oscar Party-  I've never been to one and I can only hope that somebody shows up in equally outrageous garb this time around.  Now, for your homework assignment:  Feel the texture of the taffeta in the pink dress, feel the diaphanous organza of the sheer green outfit.  (Bet JLo and Gweneth are cringing.) 

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