Saturday, March 03, 2012

Molecular Tap Raspy

the day cartoons are on all morning so I go to the Greenmarket

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.  Thoreau

Genius Artistic Granddaughter Shameless Promotion
Still-life With Reindeer
Hazel's first foray into COLLAGE!  She stuck the sticker on the page and saw it as a representation of a big reindeer head (made of wicker) over the fireplace in their dining room-  I THINK she saw the linear writing as the reeds or the antlers, or that's what I choose to think anyway.  Ignore the cat portrait on the right-  that was done by her other grandmother and she worked it right into her composition  Note the high chair to the left in blue, and the rug underneath.  But most interesting is the fireplace itself WITH the andirons in it.  She likes to draw at the dining room table and this is exactly what she sees.  Interesting Other News is that Elias went though some testing and it came out that his 2 year old drawings were also very advanced for his age-  can't wait to see what he comes up with in time-  right now it's basically scribbles and I can't tell what in hell he was assessed on.  But naturally as a grandma I love hearing those scribbles are 'advanced'.  

Barney Rubble Style
Whatcha think about this 'style' that looks like the guy with the foam nozzle should have stayed home? 
Shang Xia's boutique strikes a balance between "human and nature" in Shanghai.

Dick Clark's Malibu house on the market here.  (Go check this out for the amazing views!)

Xanadu house, outside Kissamee FL.

 Cave houses, interiors above, and developments in Missouri, below:
Bottom loin, you couldn't get me into one of these for love nor money  (see my previous posts about the LuRay Caverns for plenty of reasons...).  Although if I lived in Missouri I may be convinced quickly with a twister on the horizon.

Pepper Update:
We're still seriously considering the new addition of a BFF for Molly.  He is still with his foster mom down in Boca basking in a family with six cats.  Boy, will he ever be bored around here with nobody to chase.  Anyway, we are taking Molly to go meet him tomorrow, take them both for a walk, give them some treats and see how it goes.  I know she won't be happy with a brother (I seem to be the only one who ever was, and that didn't work out well!) but hopefully she will adapt.  This is such a major big deal around here- we've wanted a second dog for a long time but never pulled the trigger, so to speak, until we met Hercules/Pepper.  I guess you know we've made up OUR minds because of naming him.  Now to convince the original fur-child this is indeed a good thing.  Hope to get a picture tomorrow, also hope it won't be of TY breaking up a snarling dog fight.  Don't want this to be the dumbest thing I ever did.
I should get one of these-  a transparent typewriter!  Cool to watch it work as you go!  Clickity clack.  Actually the reason it's transparent is to facilitate searches-  it's made specifically for inmates.  Good to have on hand just in case, eh?  Wish they were passed out to all the big CEOs, but I wonder if there is one that doesn't look already dirty.

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