Sunday, March 04, 2012


(my own version of Sunday)

Oh oh.  The Horror:  You may be fully aware of a romantic opportunity today, but you're likely frustrated with your efforts to make it real. You might even feel as if someone is purposefully raining on your parade. Thankfully, the silver lining to the dark clouds lights up your day enough to remind you that the truth is more powerful than an unrealistic fantasy. Don't quit now; love others the way you want to be loved without expecting anything in return.
This Horror does not bode well for today's visit to Pepper, the new dog.  I'm already in love, and am frustrated with my efforts to make Molly fall in love too.  I don't want her to rain on my parade here, but dammit, maybe it IS an unrealistic fantasy to think I can add in another dog at this point.  Even the last line is just too pithy to consider.  I KNOW Molly loves me even though she certainly expects her morning hard boiled egg in return.  #$%^&*

got this from the lark website
March - National Craft MonthDid you know that March is National Craft Month? The Craft & Hobby Association began this great tradition in 1994 to promote the joys of crafting for new and experienced crafters alike.  What started with just a few retailers and manufacturers has expanded into a full celebration of the crafting lifestyle with millions of enthusiasts worldwide observing a month of crafty sharing and exploration.

Wow.  Millions of enthusiasts!  I haven't even encountered one!

Yesterday I had some crafty shopping to do.  Needed some patterns for a 4 year old, needed some small pieces of beige fabric because I don't have anything to match a dress that needs new straps, needed some gold metallic, Very Metallic, paint, and then I need to look at everything in the bloody store to see what else I 'need'.  So, $150 of sundries later, I staggered out.  But the thing I discovered was that they now carry all sizes of actual unbleached real linen canvases-  a wonderful gray color for mounting things if ever I actually finish another small piece.  So I go into the next aisle looking for cradled board for the encaustics, but instead am greeted by every imaginable size of BLACK gessoed canvas.  Wow, they look great-  and perfect for the cigar band quilt I showed you yesterday.  How cool that will look mounted on black...  the mind boggles.  They had some big ones, but the cigar silk quilt might be a bit too big-  I'll have to measure it, and at the very least, paint up a big canvas in black to mount it.  Nice. There may have to be some red stitching on it somewhere too.  

Found a new obsession online-  this site:

Some 1960's Soviet Rock n' Roll- amazing it ever stayed around. 
Stick with it for the polar bears

A gentle reminder that if you haven't' checked out the brand new eMag issue of Interweave's inStitches, they download on Sundays!  Get it today and be ready tomorrow to leave a comment on this site to win a prize!  Yup-  all you have to do is leave a comment to be eligible-  I get to pick who wins, and my methods will remain mystical (because i don't know yet how I'll do it!)  You only have two chances to win left-  tomorrow on my site and Tuesday on Jane Davila's (who, BTW, is a fabulous supportive, and CALM editor!)  Thanks Jane-  I think YOU deserve a prize too.

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