Friday, March 16, 2012

Pepper Please, No Salt

Good morning!  Finally my computer is back, my coffee is brewing, and THE NEW DOG is rubbing himself all over on my couch because he got wet trotting down the grass hunting for the perfect pee space in the dark.  I'll tell ya, this doggie addition has made me work, stressed me out, and made #1 dog quite a PITA.  We picked up New Dog, forever now known as Pepper, on Sunday and had a glorious day learning from him until

We got Molly from her boarding kennel, she went on point (and if you've ever seen a Tibetan on point, it's laughable) and poor Pepper has hidden himself under chairs, behind couches, between my feet, huddled by the door trying to get out, wherever he could find.  He's been attacked, chewed on, victimized, and told in doggie language that his presence isn't wanted.  On the other hand, he is hearing our human language that he is a delightful beast and we want him and will love him and give him a good home for the rest of his days.  He is confused.  But he also likes his hard boiled egg in the morning-  cuisine the rescue kennel failed to provide.  So he's staying, brutality and all.

We are actually pretty pleased with the transition-  spend most of our time keeping them just far apart enough that they can't reach each other.  Usually one of us is between them, and it's working for the most part.  Proof:
Their Peaceable Kingdom Pose, RARELY SEEN!
But it does get tough when one of is not home, best to keep things quiet, and save the walks for when there are two of us. I have to get this all under control because TY is leaving soon for a few days and doing double walks umpteen times a day is beyond my pay grade.  The walking itself isn't the problem, it's getting them out the gate where the entrance is too narrow for their personal-space comfort.  I just tell them to suck it up and march on through but if *someone touches someone*, all hell will break loose.

Thanks God For Cesar!
My mantra:  Animal first, then Dog, then Breed, then Name...


1. Exercise, 2. Discipline, 3. Affection

Seems to be the ticket here, and I am thinking things are going swimmingly so far, slightly better than hoped for.  Time.  All we need is time.

Yup, the closest they have been.  Molly's Thundershirt anxiety jacket seems to be a key-  she wore it all day and seemed calmer and more accepting as soon as we got her velcroed into it.  Also found that leaving her leash on her slowed her down a bit so we are using one or the other until she figures out that her status has been downgraded.  Guess we waited too long for this addition-  really don't want her upset but it seems we have to go through it. Pepper is damn glad for his crate at night and it puts my mind to rest that he's safe in it for now.  During the day the door is open so he can scramble in when necessary.
______________________change of subject line- bet you're happy about that!______________________

Needless to say that my studio time has been truncated this week, and on top of being out all last week, things are a mess in there.  I've been alternating dogs in the studio, Pepper is happy there, just wanders around and eventually falls asleep wherever it's most inconvenient for me.  No different from Molly-  they both have to be able to see me at all times.  I hope to get back there today and start a clean-up campaign so I can get at new ideas. I get so frustrated when I'm not able to work on ANYthing.  And I have the old HD for this computer that I can pop open and see what I can do... there must be something in there I can mess with-  like wearing all my data as earrings or something.  
My Repair Guru told me these disks were inside the HD, hope so-  
I won't even have to drill them!  

My favorite four year old is producing much more art than I am plus she also has two dogs that adore her and don't gnash and gnarl at her.  Lucky girl.  Here is her latest, titled

Two Parrots Guarding Their Nest

I am in love with their FEET!  Can't wait to draw with her in Key West, also hope we will see some flamingoes and manatees and dolphins while we're there.  She will love it.

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