Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dispense Biometrika Demure

Wow, I am actually going to talk a bit about fiber art today!  Bet you thought I was off writing a novella or something without threads, but no.  Instead I am dealing with the latest doggie crisis-  hookworms.  Of all things.  But, on to the fibers first: Textile Art from Canadian Art on Vimeo.

And another link of note-  Go check out Anne Lindberg's site for her amazing linear installations.  Then go look at her thread drawings.  They do wonderful things with light and color and are simply ethereal.  After that, as if that's not enough, she has a section of graphite drawings that I can't tell from the thread!  Lovely transitions and relationships between her different media.

I've just seen a hint of Canadian photographer Amy Friend's work, all very intriguing.  She is also, like Anne's work above, working with light.  Go check the link for more of the series illustrated here, embellishment of vintage photographs, and also many more very imaginative series.

And I spent the whole day at the studio yesterday.  I finally took all my yarn over there and I'm looking for some little place where it all mint fit but I think I may have reached capacity on my space-  who would have thought I'd accumulate so much stuff!  After the wedding is behind us, I will devote myself to cleaning out stuff just so I can find what I'm looking for once in awhile.  Meanwhile, I hemmed two pairs of pants that have been sitting around forever, and got the quilt packed and ready to FedEx to Yeiser on Monday.  On the home front I have had to reload everything to the new HD, and it's amazing how much time that takes.  Next, I'm going to clean out my computers, keep 'em lean and mean.  Two HDs fried in two months-  both computers under 2 years old and Steve isn't even around any more to complain to.

And I think I won't talk about hookworms after all, just too disgusting.  Pepper started treatment for them last night thanks to a vet's call, probably picked it up at the rescue kennel, and now Molly has to be on the medication too for preventative measures.  Ick.

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