I've been in Key West and so busy I didn't have time to even check email so if you've sent something important, tough luck, I wholesale deleted a week of messages. Sigh. Sometimes I get so in my own way.
Sorry- the only picture I have of Jackie and she looked so stunning!
BUT, the wedding was wonderful, people told me it was the best they had been to. My son and his bride planned and executed the whole thing by themselves, and believe me, doing that long distance ain't no picnic when you are doing all the research, the follow up, and the coordination yourselves. (And might I add that they also dealt with people 'on island time'- something that cannot be understood until you've tried to get an answer!) My advice to anybody is to elope if you want some far away destination- it's just so much work pulling it all together! Sounds like I didn't have a good time, but I had a ball- the bride and groom had entered zombie land by the wedding though. You wouldn't know it to be a casual observer but they really were the walking dead for a couple of days. SO, where are the pictures, you ask? I was too busy to take any! Here's one someone sent me of my daughter, Jackie, and Nate on the sunset cruise the night after the wedding:
As you can tell, they are all holding each other up, and I was home babysitting because my devious plan was to go to bed at 8 along with my charge. So glad I did because this band of merrymakers was out until the bars closed. Because I'm waiting for some pictures of the actual wedding, all I have are a few of Hazel, our flower girl who walked down the aisle with a 'pet' centipede crawling from one hand to the other and her deep purple calla lily flower dragging on the ground. Here she is later, after the catch-and-release centipede, now up to her armpits in exchanging all the gravel for the water in the fountain. And also moving all the water into the ground around the fountain with a smashed plastic bottle she retrieved from the trash. It mostly ended up on her:
She called this her 'science experiment', but I think it was actually a 'Grandma Patience experiment'. I won, didn't fluster, let her get good and wet.
The rehearsal dinner was at Kelly's Caribbean rooftop and it was lovely to be outside under the big white globe lanterns surrounded by jungly growth. Food was good, an island buffet so there were lots of things to pick from, and we all broke up at about 8:30 to meet additional friends in the downstairs bar.
The wedding day was very overcast so the B&G broke down and got the tent set up against their wishes, but not poured in the afternoon and would have made a mess of the yard so the tent was a good call. It didn't' have sides and the roof was very high so it wasn't at all confining and worked out just fine, though there wasn't a sky view like they had hoped. The ceremony itself was under a lovely arbor and brick patio on the far side of the Hemingway House and was going along beautifully until a bridesmaid keeled over. She got helped to a chair in the back and was recovering when the second girl went right over and whacked her head. They got her off and brought her back and the ceremony continued pretty much uninterrupted. I was telling a friend about it and she called them the Fainting Goats! Just about right. But they were fine with some water and a chair- it wasn't especially hot, and they hadn't been drinking, just probably dehydrated and standing in 5" heels did it. Don't think it made anybody's pictures, too bad! But back to the ceremony: B&G had picked some lovely parts of the wedding eremony and 'Pastor Ernie' did it up well with his booming voice. There were 4 readings, all very appropriate to the couple. I wish them a long and happy life together and hope they can overcome all the obstacles they will encounter.
My MIL advice is to just pay attention to each other and all will fall into place. My daughter also gave them great advice- she counseled them to immediately start referring to themselves as 'we' and to not let anything devisive into their sphere. I love them so much, want to smooth it all out for them forever! But I had a wonderful MIL myself, a woman who was crazy as a hoot owl but wisely stayed out of my business. That endeared her to me forever. At times I thought she might actually pick me over her son if push came to shove and that was such a stabilizing and supportive feeling. SO, I am staying out of their business unless asked. Should work for us all.
But now that the wedding is over and I have nothing else on my platter to deal with, I have to get busy! Tomorrow I get back to the studio and my routine and finally get to start some of the things that have been festering in my brain for several months. And possibly I will have something to report about the muse coming back! That would be great, instead of new spider colonies. Lettuce Prey.

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