Monday, June 04, 2012

Lain Albeit Seagull

And the squirrel mask is available and waiting for you to grab it up! Of course at my favorite store.  Thanks MBF- glad I read Facebook posts once in awhile!

Diego Stocco, a composer with natural sounds.  Go check out his website after this 'nature walk'.  Very creative guy!

Here's what I worked on this weekend.  It's small, but cracks me up go in close and check the jewels an fingernails on these babes.  OK, OK, so it's another set of twins-  I told you I was obsessed.  But I get REALLY weirded out when twins dress alike for their whole lives, like these two.  Also note that their camisoles are one lace, the jackets another lace and their snoods or head covers are a third lace.  It's only fitting I used a fourth for the binding, isn't it?  This was a drop cloth that I bought at Home Depot and I had used it for a few projects with black and white paint.  I overprinted it with pages from my new (to me) 1970 book of the Who's Who of American Women, then couldn't resist this set of twins to represent our ilk.  Babes.  That's what they are-  Babes!
'Who's Who of American Women', 12" x 16"
canvas, linen, vintage lace, photo transfer processes, paint

I worked on this because I had gotten to a spot where I have to do handwork on the Big Twins Quilt-  I just couldn't face it. Also I got a picture of my granddaughters first quilt 'just like Grandma Sandy's' except she drew it on paper for her  'born baby horse Trudy'.

I figured Trudy needed a real blanket so made her a little baby horse-quilt- banged out a simple doll quilt in a couple of hours and will mail it off to Trudy tomorrow.  Trudy is not an actual horse, but she now has an actual blanket.  And (yeaaaaa!) I found an audience for the batiks I won in the FF show (never fear, I have lots left!)!  Being four is so cool-  mention something and every adult in earshot does their level best to make it so. No, I really don't want to be four again, just an observation.  I don't remember having any control at all back then.  Like, of course, I do now...

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
                                                        Albert Einstein

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