And why is my life stuck on 'Hey Jude'?
Nature engenders the science of painting. Robert Delaunay
Speaking of memory, accompanied by screams, not melody, this reminds me so much of the toboggan runs at Chestnut Ridge in my younger days. Now picture this scene with two feet of snow, after all it was Buffalo. You would have to climb a couple of flights of stairs carrying your toboggan up to the little building where a couple of guys would tuck in all the loose limbs and open the chute- I swear the ramp went straight down, but I'll never really know because my eyes were shut tight against the stinging snow. We had a 6 man toboggan and after it left the ramp it had a helluva hill to gain speed on, then a long flatter space where things would slow down and somebody would stick out a big boot to slow it down. Then we would tumble off and drag the thing back up the hill through the snow, back up the stairs and wait in line for the next run. We would spend the day doing this, occasionally hitting the little 'lodge' where they had hot chocolate but we would have to share a cup because pooled resources barely would cover it. It didn't matter, all we really wanted was to warm up for a few minutes before One Last Run and our parents would come pick us up.
Yesterday I hit Office Depot to get yet another set of inks for the printer, raced back to the studio and spent a couple of hours printing things for a new book I want to make, I have always been attracted to circles so that's what it's about. If I can find a template I may even make the pages circles, we'll see what happens, and how steady my x-acto can be- maybe a day before I get into the coffee... I also struggled with opening my glue jars- I have one full that's never been opened, another maybe half gone but both are glued shut completely and all the hammering and slicing I tried didn't work. Brought one home to soak in hot water but this morning I was able to open it and peel off all the accumulated gunk so at least I can use it again. Anyway, I am again in business with that.
I finally gave up and ordered a new printer, a pigment based wide bed so I can print fabric more efficiently, a replacement for my old 2200 back in Boston which still works great, over ten years now. I mistakenly ordered the wrong printer for the studio when I moved in- thought it was pigment but found out the hard way it isn't so I can only print certain things successfully. That was the point that Epson changed all their inks and I got confused with the new names. The printer itself (a 1400) works great, so I guess I will move it to the house and use it for letters to the editor and printing JetBlue boarding passes. So, that problem is solved- like my old friend Judy says,
"Just throw money at it!"
One of the best lessons she ever taught me, and there were many.
One more thing before the frivolity starts, last night I watched a documentary called
'The Code' and it was really good. It started out talking about honey bees and their hexagon wax constructions, then that was followed by a bunch of thoughts on why that shape instead of circles or squares. What the answers were were found in MATH (I love this...) because the hexagon uses the least wax and has no wasted sides! I didn't write down the formulas but the host was showing us his magic marker scrawls on napkins proving this. His theory was that nature always takes the most efficient route. He then introduced a scientist who messes with bubbles and could control the shapes and growth of forms. He showed us how if you get six bubbles together, the seventh one in the middle will be a perfect hexagon. Like a quilter like I am wouldn't know this? Then he did three dimensional constructions showing that it always true by filling the central hexagons with smoke so we could see it clearly. We also visited a volcanic island where the magma was forced into hexagons as it rose from the sea. Fabulous.
Next we went to Jackson Pollock's old studio and saw the floor where he worked still splattered with his paints. Several of his paintings were shown and discussed with some footage of the artist working from below. The discussion then showed us how Pollocks paintings were FRACTALS and completely based on nature, easily illustrated by a black-on-white painting that one quarter was digitally removed and blown up next to the original and you couldn't tell the difference. Then one quarter of that was removed and blown up then one quarter of that- Amazing. It WAS fractals and grew out of an original dribble shape and repeated on to infinity. The painting shapes were then contrasted with winter trees and it was the same thing! I've never seen Pollocks work like that and it opened a door for me.
Unfortunately I then fell asleep- math has always done that to me.
Watch for this series next week,
Sunday night at 9 on BBC. The reviews were apparently all written by physics and math majors because it was beneath them but for me? Perfecto!
Scary that this goes with a hairy chest. Meanwhile, as a bathing cap I bet it leaks. As a runway accessory its kind of cool. As job-hunting attire other than applying for a drag queen gig, its a fail.
Poor Freida
Florida Weather Forecast

1 comment :
Ok I did it - sent a comment that is. This documentary sounds great. I'm going to have to set a reminder in my phone. Great to see you today
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