Thursday, October 18, 2012

scratchy comparison counterfeit

The way to be happy is to find something that requires the kind of perfection 
that's impossible to achieve and spend the rest of your life trying to achieve it.  
Winston Churchill 

I went to my second-last book class today and didn't get a whole lot done other than working on a Coptic stitch sewn binding, only half of which was actually constructed correctly.  At least I know how it works even though it's a pretty crummy sample.  I hope to do a better one this week before I forget, if that hasn't happened already.  Next week we do a clam box and a hard spine, but I've already done those so it should go quickly.  A nice flat learning curve.   I haven't decided yet whether I'll continue through the fall-  things are starting to pile up schedule-wise and I would probably do better to just order some supplies and have at it myself.

After the class I had my endo doc appointment and my A1C is down even further, all numbers are great and I have regained my Poster-Child (Poster-Oldster?) status with the doc.  Told her I want a poster in the waiting room next time I have to show up-  and she has is my drivers license picture to do that.  

Weird Ji-jimi He-he-hendrix tattoo above 
with companion piece 4 eyed cats painted by Casey Weldon, below:
there is a series of 6 of these, I don't know why.  Kind of gives me the hiccups.

Good news today,  Mr. Sirozhidin in Tajikistan has repaid my KIVA loan so now the money is free to move on to somebody else.  I just keep rolling it over and so far have had it repaid every time.  This time we bought a herd of cattle, I'm not sure if that is one of them I invested in.  Good luck to him.

Freelance artist Ramon Bruin has been working on some fun 3D illusion drawings, here is one of my favorites. You can see a bit more of his work over on Facebook.

How's your life going?  Need a new boyfriend?  Here are some directions

Boyfriend and video by Noortje de Keijzer.

George Stoll, b.1954, the Tupperware series, beeswax, paraffin, and pigment. George Stoll fabricates by hand that which is factory produced and presents these everyday objects--sponges, Tupperware, toilet paper and paper towels--en mass, creating evocative installations that ask us to reconsider that which we take for granted. Since his first exhibition in Los Angeles (in 1994, entitled Tupperware) Stoll has continued to create reproductions of ordinary household objects, transforming them into extraordinary works of art. Like Andy Warhol or Jasper Johns, Stoll is interested in the relationship of high art to consumer culture.  I love how the wax imitates plastic so much better than plastic can!

Finally, a nod to the month-long holiday of Halloween, which has the purpose of covering up Christmas preparations so we won't complain about them appearing too soon.  Meet The Halloween Bird.

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