Saturday, November 03, 2012

frigga sturdy screed

Reporters interviewing a 104-year-old woman: 'And what do you think is the best thing about being 104?' the reporter asked. She simply replied, 'No peer pressure.'

Sorted Books project by Nina Katchadourian
The Sorted Books project began in 1993 years ago and is ongoing. The project has taken place in many different places over the years, ranging form private homes to specialized public book collections. The process is the same in every case: culling through a collection of books, pulling particular titles, and eventually grouping the books into clusters so that the titles can be read in sequence, from top to bottom. The final results are shown either as photographs of the book clusters or as the actual stacks themselves, shown on the shelves of the library they were drawn from.  A new way of telling a haiku story!  Check her website for some more very interesting projects

If ever you are captured and zip tied, here are five or six videos telling you how to escape in different circumstances. Frankly I think that the kidnappers will just revert back to duct tape once they know that all the little old quilty ladies know how to break the ties. But, just in case.  From the website:

The first thing you should always do in any restraint situation, is remain passive.Let your captor know that there’s no fight in you, that you’re scared and helpless. This will psychologically lead your captor to believe that you have no plans to try to escape, and thus make what we’re about to tell you easier.  
Well, OK then.
And here's how you will feel when you have broken through the zip ties 
and skitter off into the fields!

A final shot:
A new pink cast on a 'broken arbow'!  Poor kid...
(but LOOK at that little face!)

1 comment :

Terry Grant said...

Poor baby. How did she break her arbow?