Friday, December 21, 2012

swarthy solute postcard

The third Antichrist soon annihilates everything, twenty-seven years of blood his war will last. The unbelievers dead, captive, exiled with blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth. (Nostradamus, 1503-1566, CVIII Q72)

Here we are on the last day of the earth, or humanity, or a friggin' calendar, who knows!  I guess since I woke up this morning that perhaps I should have thrown myself into better Christmas shopping but *things* pretty much interfered with my retail therapy this season.  We got an insurance estimate of (are ya sittin'?) thirty thousand dollars to get the condo back to where it was.  Things are underway up there, the mold people have done their job and the new walls and plaster will be installed right after Christmas.  I don't now when they will start replacing the floors, before or after the place is painted.  But let this be a lesson to all you condo livers-  you never know when the Russian guy upstairs will install plumbing without a permit.  Or licensed plumber. 

 Terrible ecological news link here:  PITY.  Life can sometimes be pretty tough, and think of all those piggies out of work!  Funny on Sirius radio just yesterday afternoon Martha was talking about a fabulous truffle farm in one of the Carolinas that she is getting her POUNDS of truffles from for her Christmas eve dinner.  (Home made fettucini with truffles, in case she hasn't called you to crow over the ultimate simplicity of it.)  

Long day in the studio and finally I have something to show for it, my Serial Killers book is done!
Here's the front, complete with bloodstain splatter.  It's a clamshell book, or rather a modified clamshell because the sides are only on one inside cover.  
 Inside is a smaller book, also with some blood, and when you remove that, you get the killers themselves- like these two.  I've kept the 'pages' loose so they can be passed around and looked at separately, like cards.  
 Here is the Son of Sam, Angelo Buomo and Wayne Williams...  I included both men and women, and kept them mostly in the 20th century-  well, that's because the killers for the 21st century are still children.  Duh.  I have decided not to include the latest mass murderer in this because it's just too close to home yet.  Besides, I had plenty to work  with the sixty five or so I got.
Anyway, I know you are saying WTF??? right now, and I guess I've seen too many CSI shows, but for some reason I had to make this.  The other two books I have in process are about HANDS and CIRCLES.  Rest assured I am not a ghoul.
Oh crap.  I forgot to stick in the fingerprints.  Will do that tomorrow.
Well, it's Almost Done...  nevermind.

This poor sheepy hasn't been shorn for 6 years-  all I can see is one of those wonderful knitted hassocks- he so badly needs a haircut, bet he can't walk easily!

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