(planning Christmas Eve dinner, wanna join us?)
There are some people who want to throw their arms around you simply because it's Christmas; there are other people who want to strangle you simply because it is Christmas.
Robert Straughton Lynd
Fabulous colors from Elena Nuez. Go to the link, you'll love the images!
Working with found family photographic prints, Joshua Dildine reinvents them with spray paints and acrylics.
Constellation is an ongoing series of portraits by New York artist Kumi Yamashita. Each image is constructed from a single unbroken black thread wound through a dense array of galvanized nails mounted on a painted white board, meaning that the darker areas within the portrait are formed solely from the density of the string.
Taxidernied bicyles
Festive hair-do, watch out for low doorways.
Fruit Ninja. Sorta like the Bottle Ninja from a few weeks ago, but more so. Nice costume, eh? Stay tuned to the end when the camera pans back a bit.
Stocking stuffers for the uber foodie.
And, finally, the END of the trees:
beer bottles in Christmas green? This guy needs some window treatments
And the famous potato tree (actually this is in Peru so it's OK.)
And a set of embroidery designs from Aunt Martha to keep you busy sewing year round.

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