Wednesday, January 16, 2013

anyway snatch curfew

We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work its
way through Congress.   Will Rogers

Snowbound?  Not me!  Meet our Jupiter Lighthouse.  And yup, the sky is THAT color!

I need to get one of these, I am working these days with the free Home Depot apron with only a few pockets.  One of the shopping cart sized baskets would be perfect.

Albrecht Durer Day:
(self portrait at 22)

'And since geometry is the right foundation of all painting, I have decided to teach its rudiments and principles to all youngsters eager for art.' 

'Why has God given me such magnificent talent? It is a curse as well as a great blessing.' 
(please know that is a Durer quote, not mine!)


Sarah Dennis, paper cutting

Jill Ricci's mixed media paintings-  I am in love!

Twitter and RSS feed logos in doily form

And you all know I am obsessed with twins, right?  
We have lost Vivian, a San Francisco icon with her sister for years now.  They were 85 and still going strong, I hope that the remaining twin can go on.

Twin crows?  I like to think so.  Who can tell...

1 comment :

Max said...

Sandy, check out
I think you will like her work a lot! If you ever get to the lofts I can arrange a studio visit.