Friday, January 11, 2013

balinese endpoint jules

we have arrived. see this?

One should either be a work of art or wear a work of art.  Oscar Wilde

And speaking of wearing art,

Laurel Roth's poject,     Biodiversity Reclamation Suits for Urban Pigeons
Fascinated with women’s traditional use of fiber-craft to provide safety and comfort, I have been crocheting small suits for urban pigeons that disguise them as extinct birds, thereby (visually) re-creating biodiversity and placing a soothing cosy on environmental fears.  "Fascinated with women’s traditional use of fiber-craft to provide safety and comfort, I have been crocheting small suits for urban pigeons that disguise them as extinct birds, thereby (visually) re-creating biodiversity and placing a soothing cosy on environmental fears."

French photographer Laurent Chehere is known for his commercial work for clients such as Audi and Nike, but after a change of interest he left advertising and traveled the world with stops throughout China, Argentina, Columbia, and Boliva. From his numerous photographs along the way was born his flying houses series, a collection of fantastical buildings, homes, tents and trailers removed from their backgrounds and suspended in the sky as if permanently airborne. The collection of work appeared at Galerie Paris-Beijing last year with an appearance at Art Miami in December. You can see much more on his website

Nina Katchadourian whiles away long plane journeys by locking herself in the lavatory and pretending to be a 15th century Dutch painting. The project, which uses only products she finds in the bathroom, began spontaneously on a flight in March 2010 and is ongoing…

Charles Dickens’ pet raven, Grip.
Dickens described the death of Grip as follows: “On the clock striking twelve he appeared slightly agitated, but he soon recovered, walked twice or thrice along the coach house, stopped to bark, staggered, exclaimed `Halloa old girl!’ (his favorite expression) and died.

Be still, my heart, a COPPER bicycle!  Only $6000 at Anthro...

The DayGlo Factory!

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