Wednesday, January 23, 2013

framed devotees hurries

Anxiety is the hand maiden of creativity. T. S. Eliot
Nothing interesting here, just a mess o' musing about what's going on.  You can go now if you want to do something important.

First, here is the open front of the Circles book:
Starting at 2:00, you pick up those two circles in the by the connection between them and fold it over onto the central circle.  Proceeding counterclockwise you pick up, fold and put down each set of two until you reach the 4:00 cover.  That's the last one to fold over  with the 'Circles' on the very top.  The whole thing is then secured with the ties.  Each one of these circles has another image on the reverse, so you can fold and refold until you've seen them all.  Here is is closed and ready to go:
Just in case anybody is interested in medieval weaponry and circles.  What can I say...

Studio Update:  I made 2 10' pennant lengths and a third 6' length.  I will use the ten footers on the front an one side of the tent, and the 6' piece on the little awning over my front door (I think)  Thankfully Jan told me not to bother to 'finish' them so I just sewed the raw triangles to the twine and slapped it all into a pile to keep them from getting too wrinkly.  Will do as told and leave them to do their thing flapping away up there.  And I should check on the tent tomorrow to make sure it is set up for me, not just delivered.  Oy.

I got an email from the AZ show and my quilt was being picked up by Fed Ex yesterday.  I doubt it will make it back in time but at least they stuck mine in the front of the line. (I asked nicely and was very appreciative of their efforts!)  So we'll see what happens.

Next, I get to go order some food to pick up on Sunday-  I figure two platters of cheeses and crackers and some fruit will do it-  it's right before dinner and I don't want to FEED everybody, just have some nibbles to sop up the wine.  And I also need cups and napkins.  And beer.  I need to get some back-up wine because I don't think TY is planning enough.  Oh yeah, and ice to fill my dirty sink to chill things. My mini-fridge doesn't hold much.  Right now it has a six pack of beer leftover from the last open studio-  obviously I don't party very hard if a six pack lasts me three years.  Geesh, I gotta change that.

I got the best news the other day when my former studio-mate Laurie said she was coming-  I can't wait, it will be great to catch up if I don't let her do too much.  She's working it into a South Florida revisit tour, so I won't have her here very long.

Kind of how I feel these days with the studio out of commission until next Monday!  All I can think of are great new ideas, things to start, and perfect ways to finish up all those things in the almost-done cubby (cubby in my head!).  I have a little personal upkeep planned for today involving wearing flip flops, so perhaps after that is out of the way I'll mosey over and read a few magazines that have piled themseves up.  I could also do another quick vacuum because the little wound up bodies of their food stash are starting to appear in their favorite trapping spaces again.  

Maybe I could go through and test all my old dried up markers and toss 'em.  Should take a day or two.

Sandy's Decorating Dilemnas
Got good news from the Boston contractor yesterday-  the painters are starting today and the floor guys will be in on Friday and Saturday.  And yes, the den (my former stu-stu-studio) is being painted black.  That only leaves the clean-up. So that means I can schedule the re-delivery of my furniture from storage and get that put back in place when I'm home.  The best thing is that I'll be able to stay there instead of a hotel.  Can't wait to get this behind me.

I'm going to finally also paint the living room columns black too with that iron paint that you brush on patina so it rusts.  The hell with resale, I want something more fun and funky to entertain myself and besides the damn thing is smack in the center of the room and causes me agina  setting in furniture.  I'd throw out everything given a chance, but that isn't happening.

Why black? you ask?  Because last time I was in Newton I hit the Home Goods store and found fabulous knitted pillow covers that were black and white stripes with baseball sized pom-poms around the edge.  It was luv at first sight, and I bought both of them Kate Spade label so even at Home Goods prices I got robbed!) .  So I am decorating around them.  I also found a curtain for the lower window that's white and has a black trim around all four edges.  It's meant to hang vertically but I can use it horizontally on that short floor window - one of those odd things that happen when they convert a church into condos.  I still have to locate some good recliners so I can avoid a couch in there.  I was all set on a cow skin rug, a perfect black and white Holstein, but TY put the kabosh on it.  

Guess it's time to go slam the pork chops onto the fire.  

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Beautiful book! If I may ask what did you used to attach the ribbon & the image together? Are the front and back image printed on separate paper?