Thursday, January 03, 2013

onomatopoeia routine cranium

Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. 
But without it we go nowhere.  Carl Sagan

NICKY  Nicky is a four-month-old rhinoceros who was born blind. He lives with the family of Mike Watson, head of the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy in Kenya, where he has round-the-clock supervision, a dog for a friend, and a padded pen to keep him safe. The folks at Lewa hope to bring in a specialist to remove Nicky's cataracts soon, and cross their fingers that his sight may be restored. See more pictures of Nicky at Africa Geographic.

Artforum:  In her Artforum Excavation Series San Francisco-based artist Francesca Pastine created beautiful, dripping topographies from the colorful pages of Artforum Magazine. Pastine cut each magazine layer by layer with an X-acto blade to reveal narrow bands of the pages within, in some cases interacting directly with art printed on the covers creating new hybrid artwork she refers to as “unsolicited collaborations”—which is brilliant. You can follow more of Pastine’s work on her blog and she has upcoming shows at the Halsey Institute of contemporary Art and Studio Quercus.

Ben Bunch’s new show, Twenty-First Century Freemasonry, sanctifies the vestigial remnants of today’s technology converging into obsolescence with unusual materials (EVA foam) and vibrant color (chemical dyes, fluorescent spray paint). Bunch’s foam crafted effigies of the digital age, ranging from the literal to conceptual, are exalted on pedestals made of plywood, almost memorializing a once modern world still firmly rooted in nature.

 Kelly Tucker, an illustrator in Chicago has taken stills of Bill Cosby's sweaters throughout his show and done illustrations of the patterns.  This has been going on a LONG time, go to the link and see so many more, arranged by month!

                                                                                                                                                                                        Meet 'Donovan', stranded in cold waters off Cape Cod in early December, and getting sprung today.

This morning my turtle is being released from the Loggerhead Marinelife Center here in Juno.  They do a whole 'readiness' ceremony, then the staff marches them across the street to the ocean where the trailer is opened and some dash for the sea, others wander around a bit first.  I was planning on being there (this is the turtle we sponsored for Hazel, our future vet, and I wanted to get a movie of it.  BUT yesterday the bocce schedule came out and sure enough our first meeting is today at the same time as the release.  Since I was picked for this team, I really have to show- its our first meet-up.
And finally, in the RAVEN department, over the years I have collected books by Bernd Heinrich who has done the definitive studies on crows and ravens.  Here are two of them, and I suggest you check them out if you're at all interested in these birds.  If not, well-  you know the drill:  NEVERMIND!
Amazon, both.

1 comment :

Jo's World said...

Thanks for the Raven book suggestions, I have ordered one!
