Tuesday, March 12, 2013

andre germicide antedate #1609

I just bought and read in an evening, 'Steal Like An Artist', Austin Kleon.  I highly recommend it.  

A sculpture is just a painting cut out and stood up somewhere.   â€”Frank Stella

Woke up at 2 AM and flipped and flopped around for an hour, turned on the iPod and listened to that for an hour, and finally got up.  First I made banana bread muffins, then coffee, then I got dressed and was at the studio very early because I had had a vision of what I want to do next.  In my mindless 3 AM stupor I could even visualize where the fabrics were and which ones I would use-  I couldn't wait to get at it.  Once I got to the studio and pulled the fabrics I decided it was a stupid idea so I promised myself I will think about it in an awake state for awhile.  Sigh.  I thought it would go together like Buttah.  I was accepting a prize for my new body of work in my head!  I was awesome.  

So I left the studio and hit my Stitch group and spent the time unknitting.  I am making a beaded scarf and was about 3/4 done but had left the whole project after the yarn busted from all the friction of the beads moving up and down.  I needed some space from it.  So I have picked it up after a month and decided I will never be happy with it until I fix the mistakes that probably only *I* can see, so I ripped and ripped and ripped, then the last few rows I UNknit to keep it all straight.  Now I am about where I was 6 weeks ago but it's looking much more professional (there's that word again!) finally-  nice straight edges, and even seed stitch bumps that aren't morphing here and there into K rows!  The end is in sight now that I have a handle on it.  

I fully intended to return to the studio but I think I've hit the wall, just going to post this and then worry about dinner, and that will be the day.  So, here are a few of today's finds:

AMAZING boots, eh?  Made in Idaho, not at all appropriate for either Boston or Florida so I will admire from afar and not 'collect' them.  pity

I don't much get fancy manicures.  These little decals don't impress me.

William Wegman's first gif, dizzy puppy!

It's tricky to shift into full gear today because the watery Pisces New Moon in your 8th House of Deep Sharing makes it difficult to take care of your own needs. Everything seems to be slightly out of focus and you might not be able to get a handle on the relationship dynamics you are experiencing. Thankfully, a bit of discomfort doesn't indicate a bad day. Nonetheless, if you loosen up and let others take control, interpersonal communication should flow along quite nicely. Horrors.

Birds of Paradise-  AMAZING

Things with names you never knew

And a guy who is getting a lot out of this class while showing off his exquisite physique and sexy suit.


Anonymous said...

Morning Sandy
Love the exersize guy.
He looks like a lot of fun, probably in small doses though.
At least he entertained the crowd.
I think that's what i look like when i do zumba, laughing all the time and going in the wrong direction.
Cheers Jan

Mary Beth Frezon said...

i am such a dork I checked the math on the Genius breakdown... sad for myself.

I think they could have put frenulum into the video which mentions the philtrum, eh?. Oh well. neglected again.

I made three pieces of paper covered with globs of gesso. That was the sum of my accomplishment tonight and for this I am grateful.