Sunday, March 10, 2013

rare emilio covert

I just 'Sprung Foward'.  Have I ever told you how dumb I think Daylight Savings Time is? Are we actually saving any daylint? Are we actually saving any time? Then why do we do it? It's an antiquated convention- we should pick one time or the other and leave it alone.  Just one woman's opinion.
Sister Corita's 'Rules', hand lettered by Lisa Congdon
These were written on 1967-8 but still are exactly what any artist needs to know.

Sister Corita, a silkscreen artist and graphic designer, has been a favorite of mine since I moved to Boston in the mid 60's and saw the gas tanks just outside the city decorated by her.  You could see them best from the air as the major flight track went right over them.  That failing, they were right on the Southeast Expressway and visible for miles.  I didn't know who was responsible but I puffed with pride at 'MY' new city being enough interested in the arts to decorate gas tanks!  Every young woman I knew had a Sister Corita poster decorating their Goodwill-funished apartments.  Later I remember the tanks were replaced or added to or something and repainted white but that met an extreme uproar and they soon were repainted with the Corita design.  I do have to say that the work has held up well, doesn't look 60's 'dated', and is still a beacon I strain to see from an aisle seat when I fly back.

And a couple of current items with Sister Corita designs:  
Love the simple shapes and wonderful clear colors, and proven timeless design.

Yup, now it's time for my senseless babble because I'm not doing any work!  Well yesterday we were up at the crack of dawn to drive down to pick up the car with the new fuel pump.  On the way down we got to talking about a new car for me, one with a ROOF and a small engine, and space in the back for the dogs.  TY could only talk 'safe' and he isn't thrilled with my choice of a Mini so I compromised by saying that I've never driven one and perhaps I will hate it but we have to do a test drive.  And he agreed to go down to a dealership this week IF we can also visit other dealerships at the same time.  Thankfully all the dealerships are in a nice neat line on both sides of the street so seeing many will be easy.  Yippee.  There may be a car in my future, one of my own, not shared, no more drop-offs and waiting for pick-ups.  Of course it also means I will have no excuses for not doing grocery shopping...

I had to drive an hour back after I dropped him at the car service place, and stopped on the way to wait 15 minutes for some stores to open.  I bought some new photographic paper, some vellum, and a new skinny stylus which I've needed for my 'Draw Something' endeavors.  My fat one isn't working very well any more-  who know these things are just like ball point pens and they eventually give out?  Well, right next to the Office Depot, and also open very early is a Bed Bath and Beyond so I went in to price a new coffee maker.  Walked out with a Keureg, a bottom-of-the-line one-person manual version since it's for the studio and I rarely need more than one cup at a time.  My old coffee maker was all rusty inside and I was ignoring it and using it anyway-  duh.  And Teddy asked me for coffee when she was here-  had her own K-cup, but I couldn't oblige.  Since everybody I know has one, I 'jumped-in-it'.  Now I have to test until I find a coffee I like-  they don't have my Starbucks Italian Roast!  I almost didn't buy it because of that, but found another brand I will try today.  I tried it yesterday with a Green Tea pod and it was great, so I'm up on it right now. 

Had to stop at TJ's because it's there and I need some socks.  Something funny happens to elastic things in Florida-  after a season or two it breaks down and springs out.  So I have to toss all the yukky sprung-out socks in my drawer and get some new ones.  Guess what-  they didn't have any!  They did have some heavy knee-highs and lots of leggins but not what I need.  
Floppy Socks
So, I will continue the sock-hunt today.

Geniuses. Sometimes you just have to experience things, not just read about them.

The Virtual Toilet Paper Museum is a tribute to that much-maligned material which plays such an important role in our everyday lives. The museum has an extensive collection of brands from the mundane to the exceeding rare, wondrous toilet-paper-related artworks of unusual beauty, and myriad informational exhibits. A fine collection of vintage toilet papers going back to 1880.

And finally, for those of you who are as raven-obsessed, as I am-  Raven Origami!
fold away!


Terry Grant said...

Ah Corita Kent! A favorite. I stopped at Nordstrom Rack for socks on Friday. Slim pickin's. They had tubs of thick, long, wooly, wintery socks on sale, but not much of what I wanted. So, I would say you can skip the Rack on your sock hunt.

Mary Beth Frezon said...

I often wonder what Sr. Corita's sisterly life was like.