Tuesday, April 30, 2013

cufflink expiable budapest

 "Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans."  Max Ehrmann 

So today I the plan is to go from here:

To here:

However...there is a glitch in the ointment, a fly in the stew.  Seems our boat tickets have gone missing.  Our plane to Amsterdam isn't until tonight so we have calls in to everybody we can think of.  

Meanwhile, I just made a pot of OLD coffee, trying to quell a raging headache, and feel pretty crappy from a delayed flight getting us to this point.  Our 'captain' last night poked his head out of his cabin and announced that in 15 minutes he would be 'off the clock' and we, the passengers, would be On OurOwn.  This was somewhere over the coast of South Carolina. Fortunately he didn't walk off the job and landed an hour late in good form.

But because things were so backed up and so many planes had to land all together, our luggage didn't squirt out for an hour and the cab lines had snaked along the whole terminal.  I've had three hours sleep.

So now we are headed for my son's house to spend the day and see the family.  The kiddos are coming and this headache won't be getting cured for a long time.  As soon as its light we will start another round of emails and phone calls about the boat tickets.  And all I can think about is how thrilled I am that said tickets were never under MY control!
Off to Amsterdam!
At least that is the plan, and you do know that 'Man Plans and God Laughs', right?  Two days ago we left Florida and arrived in Boston late at night, then yesterday we spent time with the kids and they delivered us to the airport-  we were dumped at the curb, none of that old timey Bon Voyage hugging and handkerchief waving.  Late this afternoon we will be getting on our boat in Amsterdam where I will probably fall in a heap after having been up for 2 days!  Ain't as good as I used to be at this.  I'll hopefully figure out how to transfer photos to the blog as I go and give a running commentary of what we're up to.  If that plan doesn't pan out, I will just be writing a few longer more serious posts when I get back home.  Stay tuned, I bet I have some tulips in my future. &


Sandy said...

and you got to Amsterdam on one of the best days to get there! When they exchanged one queen for one king!

I hope you have a lovely time. and where were the boat tickets?
Sandy in the UK

Mary Beth Frezon said...

Have a great adventure!

and for the record my challenge words were:

momish iceenjor

just sayin'