Friday, May 17, 2013

homonym emphases elkhart

There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. 
Afterward you can remove all traces of reality. Pablo Picasso

trying out the bike on Venice Beach

SEWING ON BIKES.  From P. Nosa's website:
 'It is my firm belief that all of life's questions can be answered with a sewing machine. With the notion of putting Art on shirts: Rather than silk-screening, using paints, or dye - to me it made sense to embroider; that it would be very real to have a design interwoven with the fabric. These images will not fade or peel away. I borrowed a sewing machine to see if the idea would even work; to essentially draw with a sewing machine.'

Remember the other day when I showed you a room full of little antlers at the castle in the Netherlands?  Well I found some more of the same kind displayed at Brimfield the other day:  Just in case you're looking to fill a room with antlers.  Oh geesh, I hope not.
So I started collecting~


Mr. Finch does taxidermy with scraps o fabric and bits of fluff.  MY kind of taxidermy!  He even makes stuffed vegetables-

Then there is Netherlands based artist John Breed, the man behind this beautifully bizarre installation:
Note the size-  looks like it's in a restaurant or some other very large room

and this-  all using found bones and items that are resin coated and attached to a background.

Breed also did these titled “Shoe Salon Breuninger”. Yep, you’re looking at 145 fabulous shoes on 145 perfect, rainbow-hued legs. Need I say more?
gold painted

pastel coated legs and shoes showing scale

closeup of shoes

Needless o say my yarn hasn't arrived yet or I'd be playing with that.  And I'm off to Melbourne to the Masters panel.  Alice's first road trip!  Hope you're coming too.

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