Friday, May 17, 2013

incompressible ballot gimbal

 If a man cannot do brain work without stimulants of any kind, he had better turn to hand work it is an indication on Nature's part that she did not mean him to be a head worker. 
 Thomas Huxley

If you're in Florida, please make an attempt to get to the show tour and talk at the Ruth Fink textile museum up in Melbourne.  The show is supposed to be great, plus you get to hear *me* hem and haw at the panel that afternoon while talking about marketing and promotion.  I've decided to just be honest about my attempts and lack thereof, but I know you'll enjoy watching me squirm!  Plus I'll be needing somebody to go out to dinner with-  come on up (or down!) and volunteer!  I probably won't be blogging until Sunday since I'll be away from home.  But this is your opportunity to hear me 'blogging in person', and having a chance to redirect me or hit the 'pause' button to get a word in!

Forced to post every day again, where's my life???  Oh well, here I am at the studio today fighting to figure out why I cannot send email.  This happened before and drive me nuts until I happened by accident on the correct settings.  Seems we get more lightening here in Florida than any other state so stuff is always resetting itself.
(my favorite book making scissors)
finally I can ignore those voices telling me what to do...
So today I am working on the 'Hands' book.  So far I've covered the book boards with anaglyptic wallpaper which I then covered with old book pages.  UNfortunately it was a lost cause, instead of the texture showing though, it just looks bumpy.  I broke into my new roll of book cloth for the spine, and some really nice hand made textured papers for the inside covers.  All that is glued and being weighted down now while I finish sewing the signatures.  I also have to print some more book pages for the front to cut -  will use the rocks picture from my date with the cement mixer I think.  SO far:

 for cover

And I want to use today's quote too.

So, that takes me to a few flower pictures from the trip to the Keukenhof Gardens where we saw the most amazing tulips.
(The pansys were actually from Bruge, but the rest are all from the gardens outside of Amsterdam)

OK, so it's not tulips-  there was other stuff too.

My favorite parrot tulips!  

And I will probably only show trip pictures for another day or two.  My next project is to make a book of them too, but I'll use Blurb or Shutterfly or one of those- whoever doesn't want to splash their logo on MY book gets my business!

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