Most people live in the city and go to the country at the weekend, and that's posh and aristocratic, but actually to live in the country and come to London when you can't take it any more is different. Damien Hirst
Getting ready to blow this joint and head for the northern woods. We've rented a big old house or a family get-together so the canine companions are headed for the slammer tomorrow and I'm headed for the airport. I am thinking I will have to take a huge bag since I've been collection and making stuff for the kids- probably won't have any room for my own levis and teeshirts! And computer (!). Today I will spend in the studio and the pedicure chair since I can't even go to the woods without nice toes. I am SO CLOSE to finishing the latest twins quilt, I really have to leave it as finished as possible- I'm talking just the top, I can easily layer and bind it when I get back since it requires no thought process. Yesterday I added the ladie's shadows on the sand and I had no hope it would look OK, but much to my surprise and deeee-lite, when I step away and look from a few feet, the shadows look perfect. Today all I have to do is embroider on their faces and sew down their bathing suits.
I had deliberately picked a very small and very faded black and white photo from the 50's to use as my source. The good thing is I am not bound by realism and can use the two women without worrying about their actual likeness. This of course is ideal for making stuff up, but not so good when I want to know how a shadow would fall so I have solved it so far by avoidance by simply keeping the figures flat. I'm pretending they are painted with school-grade tempera which doesn't allow for shading or details. So... do you buy that? Aw, c'mon...
Later this afternoon: !@#$%^&*()_ damn machine. Even togh I've been fighting it now for days, it hasn't been as bad as today. That about settled it that I have to bring down my other machine, get it oiled and dusted, and simply forget about this so-called upgrade that has been nothing but a pita since I bought it. And yeah, I really mucked up one of the gals, have to see if I can do SOMETHiNG to redeem her tomorrow!
Ulric Collette is a French-Canadian photographer who does some quirky portrait work. In his photo series “Genetic Portraits” he photographs family members and then cuts them side by side to create one portrait. The end result makes you notice the similarities between the people photographed, and how fascinating genetics really are.
Mark Rothko contemplating in his studio
With this new 3D-printed exoskeletal cast idea, the incredibly fun and funky looking design provides a bit of leeway when it comes to scratching that itch halfway down your arm or balancing one leg outside of the shower so as not to get the cast wet. Victoria University of Wellington Architecture and Design school graduate Jake Evill recently developed this concept, called Cortex. According to Evill, the exoskeletal cast provides a strong fractured-bone support system featuring lightweight protection that is ventilated, recyclable, and shower

everybody likes a back scratch- how cute is this little guy?
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