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Bags are packed, dogs are in the slammer (oy, another long story of heartbreaking sadness on parting), refrigerator is empty and my boarding pass is printed. I'm leaving tonight to go to Boston and then Vermont for a week of family bonding. Just talked to TY and he's back on his regular ice packs routine for his knee so looks like our movements will be small and slow. I spent yesterday on the internets looking for things to do around the house we've rented and came up with a few things *I* really want to do- basically farmer's markets and antique shops. Needless to say I will be the only one after those pass-times. I sent out a note to all the adults that they are each responsible for one dinner and I don't give a fig if it's a catered affair or breakfast cereal as long as I don't have to do it. Told TY he could take us all out on his turn, but alas all I found in the nearby restaurants section were cute little bakeries or bars, not suitable for 2 toddlers. Oh well, something will appear. It will be good to see all of them and celebrate a raft of birthdays. Perhaps I will be sending pictures off of the craft projects I'm planning for the kiddos! You lucky bunnies...
Meanwhile, back in the studio with my own load of 'craft projects', I screwed up the twin's yesterday, discovered my iron was so full of gunk that it was depositing on the release papers I was using to NOT get gunk on the quilt so now I am trying to clean up that mess. I tried pumice hand cleaner on the iron gunk and it did a pretty good job removing the stainless steel polished coating, I haven't tried to iron with it but I have a sneakin' suspicion I will be iron shopping when I get back.
AND I am going to FedEx my other sewing machine down, I don't care how much it costs:
A little too close to home! I haven't tried shaming yet- might be the next option.
Jackson Pollock never had a sewing machine to shame~
And this guy doesn't need a studio! He's got the whole world!
Spencer Tunick designs and installs nude human bodies into landscapes and photographs or films them. The blending of the color and texture of human skin with industrial or natural landscapes is stark and effective; the bodies themselves become their own landscape. Tunick has traveled the world staging photographs and videos of these large nude installations, and uses anywhere from a handful of voluntary participants to tens of thousands of them. The end result is a beautiful combination of art forms, including design, sculpture, performance, photography, and video. (Just as an aside between you and me, would you get nekkid with all those folks and lie there on the ground? Not even a yoga mat?)
Jeremy Laffon created a cityscape and other artwork made from thousands of chewing gum sticks. Man, that'll take a long time to chew!

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