Saturday, August 10, 2013

douglas licensable brittle

Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.  Og Mandino

I'm sitting here and the dogs are going crazy barking at what they see through the holes in the courtyard gate.  ALARM ALARM ALARM!  So, like a stupid idiot who doesn't know their drill, I dutifully get up to look.  Yup, they are barking at the garbage can I hauled out for pickup.  One of them barks, the other one dances around snorting and boof-ing.  He doesn't bark, as they say here in the south of people (and dogs) without a clue, 'bless his heart'.

I had picked him up from the Slammer the other day when I got back and he had supposedly had a bath but that night on the bed there was an AWFUL smell from him, like he needed a bath.  But Pepper will not have it, he won't let me lift him to the sink, puts up a helluva fight in the shower that pretty much wrecks the bathroom (we don't have a shower door to contain him) won't get in the pool, stays far away from water of any type.  So I bought doggie-deoderant at Walgreens and gave him a good spray all over.  It seemed to solve the problem at least temporarily because I wasn't awake all night sniffing again.

But enuf about dogs even though it's pretty much my focus these days!  I found the crows I was looking for and sent off a big chunk of money yesterday so that's taken care of.  I don't know what I'll do with all these crows after the party but I suppose I can hang them in the studio if I can throw some string over the 20' high rafters.  Might ned some hlep with this...

Also I got to the studio yesterday and worked some more on the Art Bra (oxymoron?) but today have to go off on a hunt for stuff to dangle from it.  Actually I got an idea from Project Runway the other night where the team made a cute outfit out of sombreros.  I might look for some raffia fabric to trim the edges.  I have a pillow I can cut up but it's orange and will make me rethink too many of the other things I've got going on it.  Hmmm, maybe I'll check my stack o' hats I don't wear-  might be something in there to chop on.

OK, I started watching Breaking Bad on Netflix last night.  Maybe I shouldn't have.

Finally it's in the 90's here. low 90's if that matters, so going outside is quick and at the times where the breezes pick up.  Today I have to repot some of my orchids so there will be outdoor time involved.  Also some Home Depot time to get the necessary stuff for them.  I finally discovered a plant that lives on in spite of me, and thankfully it's the orchid that thrives down here without sunlight or water.  Perfect!  And every year they send up incredible new shoots, and all I do is drag them out from under the bushes to see them better.  Damn, back in MA I couldn't even keep grass looking good!

Francis Bacon's studio-  whoa, what a mess!  Looks like home to me...

Our last visit with Barbara DePirro today too. Today it's her work, 'Flourish'  (top two)- plastic bottle caps & bottles, cable ties, temporary installation Bellwether Biennial, Bellevue, WA 2012 and 'Lucid' (bottom two) Plastic Milk Jugs, Staples & Wire, temporary installation Hanson Scott Gallery, Seattle, WA 2013

Guess you can't call this a Mini any more.  Mine still only has 4 wheels.

OMG---Not a Florida Gator, for sure.  This one couldn't even turn around in the canals!  And like they say, 'It takes a village...' to fill this guy up!  I'll go back to squirrels tomorrow.  Promise.

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