Friday, August 09, 2013

achromatic alimony quiescent

(Ohh. I like this one!)

The lonely one offers his hand too quickly to whomever he encounters  Friedrich Nietzsche

On the other hand, you have different fingers.  Stephen Wright

So, today I headed for the studio-  one of my pictures had fallen off the wall while I was gone and I took all the various pieces hoping to fix it, but in the meantime I just moved a couple of other pictures off the place on the floor where I was waiting for inspiration.  So, that's done.

There's a fund raiser at the local art center that I haven't taken part in before so I decided to this year-  they are doing Art Bras.  I went through my drawers to find one I never wore and decided I'd just sew old stuff on because lord knows I HAVE stuff!  This is my overflowing scrap embroidered things basket, all previously cut, mauled , mangled, whatever.  So I am taking them into daylight for the first time in years.

Here we are all pinned in place and ready to stitch.  I took the red tatting off a pretty old handkerchief, and cut the two ends off a cherry-themed dresser scarf for the two boobs.  The uncovered parts will have those lace coasters topping them but be tucked under the cherry basket which I will appliquĂ©.

And then I found a little white crocheted hot pad with really REALLY tight roses around the edge, so I chopped them off and unbelievably they are the exact length needed for straps.  I'm well on my way, just a stop at the craft store looking for some dangling cherries to hang around the bottom. 

Also, I scrapped the faded striped old edge for the Golden Apple quilt, opting instead for a small scrap of this sunbrella stuff that works so well with the palm frond fabric I already used.  So now I guess I will just bind it with the Japanese cotton shown here and use the stripe for a sleeve maybe.  Just need a backing fabric, and frankly I haven't even gone hunting in the archives yet.  Tomorrow.

While checking the green piles, I found this big soft 30's woven that I think will make a great jacket so I left it out to contemplate.

I also contemplated a stack of cards I have gessoed and abandoned waiting for time to put on a first layer.  I think I can get to that in the next few days too, I plan on making another book, perhaps an accordion, maybe two because I gessoed so many cards.  I have a whole box of papers being sent down from Boston that I want to do some paste paper work on-  that will get the juice flowing.  nothing like paint squishing through your fingers.

Here's the faded stained old stripe that I abandoned.  Pretty colors, eh?

And a new Japanese silk from Delectable Mountain in Brattleboro.  This, though you can't tell much from the picture, is gorgeous.  Don't know what it will be.

And the babette pants I bought at the 75% off sale.  I love the print, it's linen, and it goes with everything. It just needs to be shorter.  I also grabbed the jacket of the same material but no way will I wear them together.  Thanks, babette-  the 75% off sale makes these things almost just expensive!

And a picture of the party aftermath that the spiders had while I was gone.  I KNEW I shoulda found a studio sitter.  They never pick up after themselves.  Every time I reached down to the floor to pick up a pin I got caught in one of their webs.  Looks like a vacuum day is coming up.  

Back to Barbara DePirro that we started yesterday-  

Hand crocheted balls from discarded plastic bags in a temporary installation called Plastica.  My favorite is the lines up the tree...  More tomorrow.

So, you see, I have lots going on now, and I sure prefer it that way.  I eat a late breakfast while working on the blog, then I eat dinner at about 4 or 5 with the dogs (but not on the floor yet), down to two meals, with a full day in the studio.  Lets see how long this keeps up..  

Ray Eames Studio

Squirrel necklace, cute, eh?  You can all send me donations to go towards it-  my birthday is coming, but don't worry I'll remind you daily until it happens!

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