Sunday, August 25, 2013

galatea wonderland cayuga

Vulgarity is the garlic in the salad of life.  Cyril Connolly

Something unusual is unfolding today yet you can't seem to put your finger on it. Nevertheless, you are lured toward investigating beyond the obvious in the hope of finding magic hiding in the shadows. Unfortunately, too much searching might actually distract you from the amazing beauty that is right under your nose. For now, the devil may really be in the details. HORRORS.

I was able to devote yesterday afternoon to more appliqué on the little quilt.  I'm making headway, one small section at a time.  I'm hoping that the applique will be finished this week so I can devote my efforts to quilting it and finishing it off before too much time goes by.  The biggest problem is working with black thread on black fabric-  I can only work in the brightest sunlight I can find so I end up moving from window to window and my poor eyes are killing me every night.  But, this is a Happy Quilt and other than that I am enjoying working on it.  

Today we are looking for something different to do and decided on visiting the zoo.  TY has never been there, and it's been years since I have too.  It's in the same park where the Palm BEach Guild used to meet so after those meetings I would wander over and watch peacocks or flamingoes-  whoever was around.  Just waiting for the big black cloud to pass over and we're out of here.

(to show the scale of these lovelies)

I am not generally a fan of florals but these peonies make me breathless-  HUGE,  by Thomas Darnell  (admittedly the guy might have something to do with the breathless part!)  "My work is inspired by a need to find order and meaning in this beautiful disorder we call life. I choose imagery that makes me feel centered and calm, changing  from very technique-oriented, representational work to more meditative abstract painting because the variety keeps both fresh. What remains consistent in all my work though is the light. It represents energy, spirit and forces we do not see but feel are there all the same: emotions, sounds, thoughts, gravity, vibrations.

Munich, Germany based Cory Stevens shoots architectural photography in a peculiar way.  He abstracts the architecture by photographing a segment of a building and reflecting it in various ways.  In some photos the reflection is duplicated, and in others its repeated many times as if in a kaleidoscope.  Go check his work at the link because of it's wonderfully visual complexities.

Hmmm, my signature seems to have dissolved.  In case you didn't know, I'm Sandy.  Bye for now

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