Monday, August 05, 2013

zig makeshift affect

"All large tasks are completed in a series of starts."  Neil Fiore

Still in Boston, still struggling to get the place back in shape.  Today I hung the huge picture because I finally broke down and bought two new hangers.  i KNOW the ones that were removed are around here somewhere but who knows where that might be.  I got more stuff stashed in the storeroom that I can't deal with now and the curtains are back up even thought the color isn't right with the repainted paint job.  Finally the living room is presentable and the bedroom piles are all cleared out except for my suitcase junk.  
Tonight we went out for dinner with an old friend whose wife is claiming to be sick from 'bad vinagrette' at a recent BBQ.  She found out the bottle was dated in March of this year so has taken to her bed to recover.  When I heard this story I almost did a Danny Thomas spit-take.  I informed the husband that it is most likely something else, not salad dressing.  Geesh.  I am really getting sick of all the food 'allergies' and 'sensitivities' and 'combinations' I hear about.  Seems every time I sit at a table they take turns reciting ridiculous food issues.  Oh, I can't eat that because it has monounsaturated fats or I will only eat this because the manganese and vitamin K are combined as to gain optimum benefits.  And Nooooo, I can't eat blueberries because of all the seeds!  

Oy.  What a shame to not be able to enjoy food just for the taste, as entertainment, as sustenance instead of the root of all evil that ails us, usually in one's imagination.

I'll be quiet and go away now.
Just don't get me started on the gluten-free fad.

The Aussies are all a'twitter over Lynley Ducker's quilt Self Help:   "I called the quilt "Self-help" and it's my take on the stupid uplifting sayings that you get can get peppered with when you have cancer. This quilt was a long time in the gestation and I played around with a lot of different words - but it needed swearing. I actually went with "fuckers" rather than using the adjective because it read a bit milder. But no matter what I wrote it needed something quite jarring,  to make it angry, and not just trite and silly like the sayings I was objecting to."   And the controversy rages on.

Artist Li Lihong expertly juxtaposes two familiar but disparate sets of imagery.  He renders familiar corporate logos as three dimensional sculptures.  However, these are more than just sculptures.  Li uses traditional ceramicist techniques coupled with Chinese iconography.  The pairing of traditional and contemporary, East and West, corporate and fine art isn’t such a violent clash one may expect.

Wow, Willem deKooning's light and bright studio

An organization called Water Street POPS! commissioned a SANDCASTLE  to draw attention to the recovery of the area after Sandy. Made by sand artist Matt Jones   'And so castles made of sand, fall in the sea, eventually.'  Is there no end to Sandy humiliations?

Next Artist in his studio, Painter deSquirrel.  I hesitate to comment o the art piece in progress.

1 comment :

Terry Grant said...

I thought I was the last woman in America who eats (mostly) like a normal human, including bacon and gluten. Lunch with the STASH ladies is an adventure in vegetarian-paleo-gluten-free finagling. The upside was that I got all the salami-wrapped melon wedges off everyone else's plates at our last lunch. But it wears me out. PLEASE come and have lunch with me!